Turns out even men can't call out sexism online without getting shut down for it.
A few days ago, one of the comic strip artists I follow posted this:

His site: https://www.chainsawsuit.com
There were some weird comments about free speech almost immediately. The MRA/PUA types posted their usual crying fit, and then then the site was down for hours. When it returned, the strip had been removed and it had all disappeared. The artist has not made any comments. What has been surmised is that the site experienced DDOS attacks and went down, though there is no evidence to show that is what happened.
However, given the reactions to his strips in the past (he's made fun of the MRA movement and done strips about sexism in gaming before), and the harassment he's received because of that, there's enough evidence to say that something clearly happened, and it's pretty likely it was because of MRA's or similar people.
My point, though, is this: even men who say something, and not that much of something, will be attacked. Though the attacks are usually far worse for women who do so, we see men being shut down as well. The hatred of some for women is so virulent that they feel compelled to harass anyone who they think may be challenging their dominance, their entitlement. Gender does not matter; if you are not one of them, then you are against them (although, again, the attackers reserve their worst for women). It's very black and white thinking.
I guess I don't have more to say, I just thought it was something interesting.