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Related: About this forumAbortion Is Becoming A Bigger Issue For Voters In 2016

Traditionally, reproductive rights have taken a back seat to other issues in the voting booth, however the tide is turning.
Since Tea Party/evangelical legislators gained seats in the 2010 midterms, weve seen historic rollbacks in womens reproductive rights. In fact, state lawmakers have passed over 200 regulations restricting abortion since Republicans have taken over state legislatures.
As voters watch the Republican party strip away abortion access and treat pro-choice women who take birth control as heathens, harlots and sluts, a new Gallup poll indicates voters priorities are shifting.
From Gallup:
Historically, Americans who self-identify as pro-life on the abortion issue have been more likely than self-identified pro-choice Americans to say they will only vote for a candidate who shares their views. However, the pro-life advantage is quite narrow in 2015, with 23% of pro-life Americans saying they will only vote for a candidate who shares their views, compared with 19% of pro-choice Americans. The gap was nine points in 2014, and it has been as high as 18 points, in late 2004.
The percentage of pro-choice Americans who say candidates must share their views has increased by four points since 2014, and is up eight points from 2008. The only other year when pro-choice Americans were as likely as they are today to prioritize the issue was in 2001.
Half of Americans (50%) now say they are pro-choice, higher than the 44% of Americans who self-identify as pro-life. This counterbalances the slight advantage that the pro-life side has in how important, so that those prepared to only vote for a pro-life candidate versus those only voting for a pro-choice candidate are even, at about 10%.
Read More http://samuel-warde.com/2015/06/abortion-is-becoming-a-bigger-issue-for-voters-in-2016/

(45,806 posts)I honestly think many voters believed there's no difference between the two parties and they weren't happy with the guys in office so they voted them out. NOW they see what a difference there IS! That realization coupled with it being a presidential election year should bring enough voters out to make the change.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)The more the fundies push on the the more the backlash against will grow.
The pendulum has swung too far in one direction. People will only put up with so much.
(90,319 posts)^^^^^^This. Exactly This!^^^^^^
Some of us have always been as mad as hell. Others are waking up.
We can do this 2016. I know we can.
Yikes! I have no clue how I did that arrow sign. I forgot how, yet it appeared. Awesome omen!
We Will We Will rock you! Oh yes we will~
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)it's not about abortion. It's never been about abortion. It's about control of more than one half of the population. Those of us who were around before Roe know, unless a woman has the right to make a medical decision about her own body, she has no rights at all.
If the state can force a woman to remain pregnant, it can force a woman to abort; no rights at all.
Let me repeat that: no rights at all. Been there.
(16,600 posts)
It's about control.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)We are counting on you to step up. Us oldsters, on the front lines 40+ years ago are waiting for 'relief' troops!! But I'm still in it with you!
(42,607 posts)mercuryblues
(15,469 posts)they are passing and trying to pass that are beginning to take center stage. In many states legislatures are pushing to force women into carrying unviable, life threatening fetuses to term. laws passing that if a woman has an unviable pregnancy and needs a medical abortion that the DR performing it has to try to save the fetus, first. Women are waking up. These laws could kill them or put them in prison for murder.
Factor in the republicon comments about rape. Then abortion laws being pushed with no exception for rape. A woman or child can get raped, a forced pregnancy with no recourse. What state is it where the DR preforming an abortion under this circumstance can get sued by the rapist?
How can a woman vote R and expect their rights to be protected? Sharia/republican laws.
It infuriates me that women defend the usage of hideous gender slurs can not or refuse to see how language feeds into the mindset of the people who make and support these laws. It allows them the justification needed to control women.