History of Feminism
Related: About this forumThe Bitter Mind of Bernard
These are the ideas of U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who presents himself as the bringer-of-revolution. These are thoughts of a fully matured man, a college graduate, during one of the most profoundly revolutionary eras in American society. They represent misogyny at its bleakest; they are exactly the old school, male-dominated ideology that feminists battled in 1972 and still fight today.
After belittling women and establishing his sexual dominance in print, Bernard next encourages women to escape the bonds which he describes. Women, for their own preservation, are trying to pull themselves together, he tells his readers.
Bernard has no inkling that in giving his blessing to our struggle, he has separated himself from us and from our struggle. Just the phrase, trying to pull themselves together, is a diminishing five words that drips of condescension. Women are not falling apart, as he implies. No, society is screwed up. The patriarchal system that has women on their knees in his essay, in every room, in every city, in every state is what women are challenging. [Synch the chorus: You missed the point. You missed the point. You really missed the point.]
Mind you, before Bernard jots down his inconsequential thoughts, women have already begun the radical shift in minds with their analyses of patriarchy in Sisterhood Is Powerful; Kate Millet has published Sexual Politics; and females are finally admitting to faked orgasms and to their love for one another.

(13,039 posts)eom
(110,159 posts)brer cat
(26,838 posts)and no amount of spin will change it.

(13,039 posts)eom
(110,159 posts)brer cat
(26,838 posts)even now. Calling himself a feminist makes the bile rise in my throat.
That is a good analysis. Thanks for posting, sea.
(110,159 posts)Bernard continues his pseudo-intellectual scribbling. After plumbing the depths of his consciousness, he arrives at the-all-too-common shift away from the victims issue (sexism) and onto the oppressor.
The sheer simplicity of this mind called Bernard is staggering. What thoughts have passed through it to produce such rhetoric? Very little, when it comes to perceiving that males are at the core of sexism. But Bernard goes on, engaging in a conversation which may or may not be imaginary.
You lied to me, he said. (She did)
You said that you loved me, that you wanted me, that you needed me. Those are your words. (They are.)
Bernard opens the door to victimhood, that self-aggrandizing, egocentric trip, and falls into its hole of absurdity.
You hated me just as you have hated every man in your entire life
You hated me before you ever saw me, even though I was not your father or your teacher, or your sex friend when you were 13 years old
And they never again made love together (which they had each liked to do more than anything), or never ever saw each other one more time.
Never EvAH had sex again. Never. Ever. Lol.
Ya... No issues with Feminists here. Like we have not totally heard this forever. Even today> How many times have we argued this with men on DU.
(55,019 posts)Hiraeth
(4,805 posts)evolve, sea. Bernie did.
(110,159 posts)Hiraeth
(4,805 posts)pitiful the stuff you bring to DU.
(110,159 posts)DURHAM D
(32,884 posts)We are one woman.
(4,805 posts)subscriptions and now, You can join them.
tired of the dumb.
(110,159 posts)Response to Hiraeth (Reply #16)
JTFrog This message was self-deleted by its author.
(110,159 posts)Hiraeth
(4,805 posts)you are so establishment you can't even buy a clue.
(110,159 posts)mercuryblues
(15,469 posts)that Bernie's supporters use his activism in the 60's to prove how equal rights he is, yet want women to skip over the 70's as Bernie's lost decade.
(110,159 posts)allowed the conversation, they ought to listen. Because it just means that we have literally thrown this man to the curb. We have dealt with this male a life time, and we do not have to deal with this man, at this time. Reality.
I do find it interesting from an academic feminist perspective.
(110,159 posts)Big hugs.
(15,539 posts)Rebkeh
(2,450 posts)And more. Lots more ...
Don't believe the hype. Bernie is excellent on women's issues.
(110,159 posts)Regardless, you are ignoring the conversation we are having and that simply is not good enough.
(2,125 posts)It's quite badly written in addition to being patently false.
(110,159 posts)Good one.
Comparing Bernie to Rush Limbaugh. What a steaming pile.
(39,451 posts)
(34,541 posts)He comes off as a tortured egomaniac that you'd want to chew your own foot off to get away from. Sorry - I was single in my 30's and this is Angst Guy. Angst Guy is one down on the dating chain from Angry For No Reason Guy. His angst rolls over from his teenage years. One up from him is Angry for No Reason Guy. This guy you want to jump out of a car moving at 65 mph on 390 in Rochester NY at 10:30 at night.
Angst guy - you just want to shove a hot poker in and out of your ears to get the nonsense out. Chew off your foot. Tell him your Grandmother died and you have to go to her funeral this weekend (when the younger one died in 1982 and it's 2004 where you are at) and then you just ghost him because of . . .
Where did he get this absolute utter nonsense from!

(15,539 posts)
(15,539 posts)Like you, I have no idea where it all came from.
(34,541 posts)
(15,539 posts)
(110,159 posts)AND letting it go. But, the article was so good and yes.... That face while reading it.
(34,541 posts)To read the full article - to go full on - Yuck!
(110,159 posts)This is a full on read to get the gist of it all. I agree.
(110,159 posts)Thanks for the laugh
and ALWAYS wonderful to see you.
(34,541 posts)You get me!
For example - YoungDemCA or BainsBane - you get powerhouse intellect.
From me? Welcome to the Ladies Locker room!
We all have our place in Women's World - I know mine and I own it!
(110,159 posts)And ya, I go to those two for just that. Me? Not where I excel and am good with it.
That was what was such a blast on our gathering in Colorado Springs. Watching her brain work. It was totally awesome, truly, and had us in stitches, which she had to process also. Lol.
(110,159 posts)this bullshit. It was about the time we even came up with a word.... date raped and was allowed to see rape, as .... actual rape and not just an overly enthused good guy just wanting some sex.
Actually, Sanders being in it in his 30's is what brings him to my decade.
Throw in the.... girls give it up to the BF so you do not get cervical cancer, pretty much tells the story of that guy.
It wasn't like I was not hearing this from.... 30 yr old men, when I was still in my teens.
(32,884 posts)to the article -
I made the choice to stop dating men.
Don't know what took me so long.
After the women's movement first started I was home visiting my parents. My Dad took me aside to ask if I was a women's libber, a feminist. I answered yes. He chuckled and responded - I am so glad we finally know what to call you. He gave me a hug and reminded me that his Mother, my grandmother who died right after I was born, was a suffragist and she would be very pleased. Then he advised me not to tell my Mother because she is way too traditional.
(34,541 posts)What does he want a mother or a romantic partner?
Good for you for just being like - bye felicia!
(110,159 posts)OMG... to, don't tell your mother, lol. What a switch in roles.
Ya... I would be good with being gay, I am just not, Lol.
My dad gasped and said... I didn't call you a feminist. I told him, no, you didn't. I called me a feminist and I am good with that.
Too funny.
(42,607 posts)In a lot of feminist retrospect, as well as writings of the time "Free love" never empowered women, nor was it meant too. It was a reflection of patriarchy and rigid gender roles. Sanders no different than many, and certainly not the most enlightened. I never did get why he's considered a iconic feminist, although he fairly recently self-identified as one for his campaign. He does understand the need for equal pay and paid maternity leave (which should be paid maternity AND paternity leave--like California has) He's got a great voting record. I mean, There is that. He's got a great voting record in a lot of areas.
(15,469 posts)they went both ways. [pun intended] Say they are for something, yet the views they had ingrained in them as a child remain. Both views will seep through at various times.
(9,904 posts)someone who obviously cheated on you multiple times and standing by that mans side puts both at a disadvantage to be taken as serious as so many are wasting time doing....
Like it or not, sometimes our choices end up always seeming to be if they are not the best, at least they are not the worse, either way someone gets harmed by the inconsistencies of human failings....
(9,904 posts)Ended my search for now, in my opinion he was no youthful adolescent young male with racing hormone issues, I found it demeaning and insulting, and the excuses do not fly, I hope this man has altered his way of thinking.....
I still believe both of our candidates rise way above the limited mind sets of true ignorance being displayed by the GOP but I in no way elevate either to adoration status....
Francis Booth
(162 posts)writing in third person narrative; that is, the man in the story is not Sanders, but a typical male, and that his relationship with women is problematic.
An author can write a narrative from the perspective of a serial killer; it does not make him or her a serial killer. The key here is understanding that the passage is from the perspective of a third person (he/she likes ice cream); the first two being the author (I like ice cream) and the reader (you like ice cream).
I think the blogger in the OP is overreaching quite a bit in her zeal to paint Sanders as a misogynist.
(138,720 posts)He did have relationships before Jane, including children, prior marriages/partners with whom he has good relations now, as I recall.
'In 1963, Sanders and Deborah Shiling, whom he met in college, volunteered for several months on the Israeli kibbutz Sha'ar HaAmakim. They married in 1964 and bought a summer home in Vermont; they had no children and divorced in 1966.[32][242][243] Sanders's son, Levi Sanders, was born in 1969 to girlfriend Susan Campbell Mott.[30] In 1988, Sanders married Jane OMeara Driscoll (née Mary Jane O'Meara), who later became president of Burlington College, in Burlington, Vermont.[244] With her he has three stepchildrenDave Driscoll, Carina Driscoll, and Heather Titus (née Driscoll)whom he considers to be his own children.[32][245] He also has seven grandchildren.[246]'
Incidentally, above is the name of the Israeli kibbutz where he volunteered. I've read somewhere on DU criticism that he hadn't named the kibbutz. I guess he has.
(110,159 posts)baby, I can't remember. I believe he had a baby, didn't marry the woman. moved to a shack in Vermont and she didn't want to live that way.... I would have to find it.
But that doesn't tell the story of him not working for two decades after graduating from university, not being a productive adult. Just the story we tell about Sanders. He wrote that stuff to get like $25 or $50 bucks to eat.
What is this.
(138,720 posts)in a variety of jobs, including Head Start teacher, psychiatric aide, and carpenter.[30] In 1968, Sanders moved to Vermont because he had been "captivated by rural life." After his arrival there he worked as a carpenter, filmmaker, and writer[44] who created and sold "radical film strips" and other educational materials to schools.[45]
Sanders began his electoral political career in 1971 as a member of the Liberty Union Party, which originated in the anti-war movement and the People's Party. He ran as the Liberty Union candidate for governor of Vermont in 1972 and 1976 and as a candidate for U.S. senator in 1972 and 1974.[46] In the 1974 senatorial race, Sanders finished third (5,901 votes; 4.1%), behind 33-year-old Chittenden County State's Attorney Patrick Leahy (D, VI; 70,629 votes; 49.4%) and two-term incumbent U.S. Representative Dick Mallary (R; 66,223 votes; 46.3%).[47][48]'
(110,159 posts)job, make a little money and quit and move on.
Not impressed with that for two decades. You can be. But not me. They are always taking from those working, like hooking up to the landlords electricity because his electricity kept being shut off.
(110,159 posts)a great piece of feminist work in comparison to our feminist greats.
I think it is male porn, and I am damn tired of being male porn.
And I do not want to look at my 72 yr old might be president and to know what gets him off.
Especially if he has my voice, he says I can't speak, that he will speak for me. He had better make himself damn clear that he is on my side and I do not think he has proven that out over the last 8 months. If I wanted to waste my time, I could list them out, but it doesn't matter. We have already been told women issues are to be put aside.
(113,131 posts)It would all be suitable for blackmail.
He hasn't said anything this stupid in many years. I have to think some of the women in his life finally got through to him.
Digging up something he wrote 44 years ago is just about as dumb as trying to link Hillary Clinton to Mossack Fonseca when absolutely no information has come out doing so.
(162,406 posts)but that was indeed f***ing nauseating
(113,131 posts)and I was always sorely tempted to educate them with a baseball bat. Many of them ended up with new left feminist women and mellowed a lot over the years and I doubt it took more than the threat of saltpeter in their soup to do it.
(110,159 posts)Just as saying PP is establishment, or not bothering to listen to the issue with PP being attacked this summer because he had his priorities. Of course the man is going to allow us to get abortions and equal pay. Those both also benefit men. But we have had no other conversation. He has almost exclusively male staff.
I am not impressed.