Buddhist monk Setouchi forms group to assist troubled women

Famed Buddhist monk Jakucho Setouchi and Atsuko Muraki, a former health ministry vice minister, have teamed to organize a group that will provide assistance to women suffering from hardships.
Setouchi, a 93-year-old renowned novelist, and Muraki, 60, made the announcement on April 18 of the formation of the Wakakusa" (fresh grass) Project.
The group plans to assist women dealing with the perils of poverty, physical abuse, bullying and drug addiction by establishing a network between pre-existing support groups scattered across the nation. This will allow those needing help to connect with the various organizations in one go.
Under the project, members will create a list of the activists and groups that support women sorted according to location and the issues they specialize in. Those who contact the network will be given the list.
Service by the Wakakusa Project via e-mail is set to start soon. The group also plans to promote its cause and begin accepting requests for consultations on a full-scale basis via social networking sites and telephone starting in October.