Domestic abuse is often a precursor to wide-scale violence, Bloomberg analysis found.
Domestic abuse is often a precursor to wide-scale violence, Bloomberg analysis found.
Data on 749 mass shootings over the past six years suggests about 60% were either domestic violence attacks or committed by men with histories of domestic violence
Deadliest Mass Shootings Are Often Preceded by Violence at Home
An analysis of 749 mass shootings over the past six years found that about 60% were either domestic violence attacks or committed by men with histories of domestic violence.
By Jackie Gu
June 30, 2020, 5:00 AM EDT
One afternoon in January 2016, Tina Long-Gray showed up at her brother Tonys office. She seemed anxious, different somehow, Tony Long recalled in a phone call. They went for a walk, and Tina started crying, confessing to him that her marriage of 18 years wasnt what it seemed. She told him she sometimes woke up to her husband Andre choking her, showing him the marks around her neck. Fresh bruises, he said.
She had a plan to leave and had already purchased a house, but she worried that Andre was going to kill her. She made me promise that I would take care of her kids, Tony said. She kept repeating, promise me, promise me, promise me.
Two weeks laterthe night before Tina planned to move into her new homeAndre Gray took her gun from a safe and shot her in front of their two children. He then shot both of them and killed himself. As Amber, their daughter, lay bleeding from her stomach, she realized that he had unplugged all the phones in the house to keep them from calling for help. After a two week stay in the hospital, shed later learn hed locked the garage door, too. If we had tried to leave that night, we wouldnt have been able to get out, she said.

Amber Gray at her home in Woodford, Virginia.

A photograph of Amber and her mother Tina Long-Gray. Photographer: Carlos Bernate/Bloomberg
Before coronavirus lockdowns, domestic violence-related mass shootings like the one that killed Tina were among the most common in the U.S. Between 2014 and 2019, almost 60% of shooting incidents with four or more casualties involved an aggressor with a history ofor in the act ofdomestic violence, an analysis by Bloomberg News found. This is a troubling statistic made even more so during a pandemic that has people spending more time at home and buying more guns.
More at the link.
As a domestic violence survivor this premise makes total sense to me. I feared for my life and the lives of others in my daily orbit while I lived with my abuser. He was able to find and continue to harass and threaten me even after I was able to escape from him and move three hours away. He did not quit until he found a new girlfriend. I am so thankful that I escaped. I am haunted by my belief that he was a ticking time bomb, completely capable of mass murder.
❤ lmsp