History of Feminism
Related: About this foruma 20 yr old article is true, history of feminism in front of our eyes
When I was in grade school, a neighbor girl from the block died from a self induced abortion in the early 70s. It was a horror
2000 article on abortion is still true- The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion
title-The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion
When the Anti-Choice Choose
By Joyce Arthur
Copyright © September, 2000
snip-"Abortion is a highly personal decision that many women are sure theyll never have to think about until theyre suddenly faced with an unexpected pregnancy. But this can happen to anyone, including women who are strongly anti-choice. So what does an anti-choice woman do when she experiences an unwanted pregnancy herself? Often, she will grin and bear it, so to speak, but frequently, she opts for the solution she would deny to other women abortion."
snip-"Ive had several cases over the years in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization, meaning that she had worked very hard in that organization for several years. As I was completing her procedure, I asked what she planned to do about her high office in the RTL organization. Her response was a wide-eyed, Youre not going to tell them, are you!? When assured that I was not, she breathed a sigh of relief, explaining how important that position was to her and how she wouldnt want this to interfere with it. (Physician, Texas)"
snip-"We too have seen our share of anti-choice women, ones the counselors usually grit their teeth over. Just last week a woman announced loudly enough for all to hear in the recovery room, that she thought abortion should be illegal. Amazingly, this was her second abortion within the last few months, having gotten pregnant again within a month of the first abortion. The nurse handled it by talking about all the carnage that went on before abortion was legalized and how fortunate she was to be receiving safe, professional care. However, this young woman continued to insist it was wrong and should be made illegal. Finally the nurse said, Well, I guess we wont be seeing you here again, not that youre not welcome. Later on, another patient who had overheard this exchange thanked the nurse for her remarks. (Clinic Administrator, Alberta)"
snip-" A doctor from a north-western state shared the following personal story with me:
I was born into a very Catholic family, and was politically pro-life during college. After dating my first real boyfriend for three years, we broke up, and the day my boyfriend moved out, I discovered I was pregnant. It was an agonizing decision, and something I never thought I would do, but I decided an abortion was the only realistic option. Thanks to Planned Parenthood counseling, I worked through some very tough conflicts within myself. I had to learn that my decision was a loving one. That my god was actually a loving and supportive god. And that men dont have to make this decision, only women do. That it is a very personal, individual decision. I had to own it. I became much more compassionate towards myself and others as a result of my experience. Two years later I began medical school. When it came time to choose a practice, an abortion clinic opportunity came up. In working there, I began to feel that this was my calling. Having been in my patients shoes, and coming from an unforgiving background, I could honestly say to patients, I know how you feel. Deciding to have an abortion was THE hardest decision Ive ever made in my life. Yet it has brought me the greatest transformation, fulfillment, and now joy. I am a more loving person because of it, and a better doctor for having experienced it. I love the work that I do, and the opportunity to support women seeking to end an unwanted pregnancy. My patients and my work are lifes gifts to me, and I think my compassion and support are my gifts in return...
more at article.
Don't forget how it was, be aware how it could be

(122,587 posts)THAT is what the woman-hating gestational slavers want again.
(34,770 posts)It is how I imagined Ginnys death.
(122,587 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)❤️