A Federal Firearms Operator's License
The more I think about it, the more I think this is the way to go.
It's not gun registration; I personally support that (knowing who has what gun seems like step one of training a militia), but it is politically beyond the pale today. But it is operator licensure.
It can possibly be divided into classes, a basic one for long guns, a more in depth check for handguns, and a very in depth check for NFA weapons.
This eliminates the gun show loophole. Any private seller can ask to see the buyer's FFOL. He can even check the serial number against an online revocation list. Before you give your son his first rifle, you take him to the ATF like you take him to the DMV before you give him a car.
In terms of passing this, I offer Federal pre-emption to the other side. I would also re open the NFA registry in return for some registration scheme. I really think with work this could pass, and would do some good.
TALKING POINT: "you have to prove you are eligible to vote, but nobody records what votes you cast. This is the same."
Arkansas Granny
(31,884 posts)donkey5280
(1 post)I have written my congressmen about the same idea. Also liability insurance, along these lines.
Trying to get congress to do anything about this is the real issue.
(71,265 posts)Pullo
(594 posts)Illinois has the FOID card. I think offering to re open the NFA registry would in exchange for something like universal background checks etc. is a good step, and might open up a dialog that neither side seems interested in pursuing at the moment.
(56,582 posts)Overturn the Hughes amendment but have a Federally overriding firearms card.
(20,709 posts)I'm not sure about federal pre-emption, though. It hurts places like NYC, which understandably has tighter gun laws than other parts of the country.
I would be willing to re-open NFA in exchange for registration.
(39,665 posts)Because you just noticed gun cultists are losing, one state at a time?
The federal game is stalled, neutered. Federal preemption is a non-starter, as dead as any federal registration, because it would "dumb down" gun laws on balance.
I don't believe any sane person would bargain away advances just won, sorry.
(56,582 posts)Robb
(39,665 posts)in some manner or other. Many have universal background checks. Several added them since Newtown, and several more will be pass them in the coming weeks.
Gun show regulations aren't getting more lax, they're getting stricter. "Gun rightists" are slowly but consistently losing ground in this arena -- Giffords' group raised a million dollars online since the federal bill failed, Bloomberg et al are still winding up.
We're getting all that without sacrificing anything. You're losing. No sale, buddy.
(8,142 posts)When I got my C&R and CC licenses, I would have no problem with this provided this would be acceptable everywhere.
The C&R type Federal license, (under its current form and issued by BATFE), is the hands down best way to eliminating most privacy issues as well as allowing everyone to buy direct from distributors...
Which is exactly why the organized gun lobby will never support it.
Progressive dog
(7,304 posts)This is a no starter for the gun grabbers like me who already live in states that act somewhat sane about guns.
With 90% of voters supporting universal background checks, there is nothing that needs to be compromised.
And this sounds like we agree with the new voter suppression ID laws. When I go to vote, I sign my name in the poll book. I don't have to prove anything.
Comparing voting to gun ownership is ignorant and offensive.
"TALKING POINT: "you have to prove you are eligible to vote, but nobody records what votes you cast. This is the same.""