When they say "we as Liberals" in discussing concealed carry expansion
they aren't.
I've never met a Liberal who wanted carrying guns expanded in this universe.
And when they deny that the cause of less gun crime in the civilized world isn't due to fewer guns, ask them why they haven't moved where there is less crime if they are so afraid they have to carry a gun.
It's all smoke mirrors and bullshit.
(55,005 posts)about progressives, such as "progressives learn to hate with gun policy."
Then there was the one who told me there was no right to life.
(39,191 posts)eyes glaze over at the keyboards, quick email to their NRA masters how to handle them durned Libs.............
And they are out in droves when you have a poll to smoke them out......
(55,005 posts)I have no right to life. Apparently gunners believe we have no constitutional right to life. The only right that counts is the right to stockpile weapons to be prepared to kill whenever they feel like it.
(6,642 posts)NRA asshats believe that once you're born, the only rights you have are the ones they consider Amuricun. Except for guns, that is, and you can have all of those things you can afford and/or carry. You just never know when some evil Kenyan devil is going to take over our government and suspend the Constitooshun.