Harvard Study: More guns == more gun violence and more homicide.
Thread in General Discussion: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10025721399
(54,770 posts)habit.
Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)flamin lib
(14,559 posts)has a gun death problem is both amazing and amusing.
First response is generally, 'no regulation would prevent (Sandy Hook, Columbine, take your pick of other shootings)'. If you point out that a mandatory gun safe storage law would prevent most of them they demand that the government buy the gunsafe for them or that it costs $7000 when an electronic keypad controlled pistol safe sells for $39 then they cry about the time it takes to unlock the gunsafe as if the mongol hordes were at their door daily.
Next response usually goes, 'gun homicides are down from (some year 5 decades ago)'. When you point out that gun deaths have been flat for the last 3 decades while auto deaths have declined due to regulation they ignore you. When you point out that US citizens are 6x more likely to suffer homicide than the next nearest comparable nation and 12x more likely than the third place nation they go silent.
If you point out that other nations like Canada and Australia have successfully reduced gun deaths they scream 'SECOND AMENDMENT' as if it didn't have that well regulated clause and even Antonin Scalia says that guns can be regulated by the states.
I used to try to engage them in useful discussion but it always goes immediately to denial, obfuscation and logical fallacy. One of them even claims that Moms Demand Action is a CIA style psyops operation and that all the demonstrators are paid operatives. He knows because he has 'moles' in the operation. Besides he has read EVERY SINGLE STUDY ON GUN VIOLENCE AND PERSONALLY DEBUNKED THEM!!
I don't bother with them anymore, it's like debating right to life or born again Christianity. Can't be done.
(6,643 posts)perfectly. DU has become a right-wing message board for gun nuts and is worse than FR or CC in that respect. The small, but very vocal. minority of right-wing NRA apologists and gun lobby promoters on DU use the same tactics as their parent organizations (NRA, ILA) and the red-necked spokespersons they parade around at Republican gatherings.
The rightward lean of DU and its owners became more obvious with the advent of the DU affiliate, Discussionist.
(618 posts)Dont mean to hijack this thread, but, flamin lib your post is one I could write. This would be amusing except there are people who ingest the denial, obfuscation and logical fallacies and think theres something to be learned from the spewed crap.
jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)flaming lib: I used to try to engage them in useful discussion but it always goes immediately to denial, obfuscation and logical fallacy. One of them even claims that Moms Demand Action is a CIA style psyops operation and that all the demonstrators are paid operatives.
Good post, lib, you hitta da nail, onna da head!
I'm still going at it with them tho, adversarial polemics I kinda enjoy when it comes to exposing mythologies like the 2nd amendment mythology & the misconceptions which arise willy nilly perforce on the rkba board, esp history.
FL: I don't bother with them anymore, it's like debating right to life or born again Christianity. Can't be done
... Ha, on that I kinda agree too - I generally exclude arguing religion - don't wanna go there since it has pluses & minuses & it preaches non violence, not much more worrisome than football fans (erk).
Welcome back Bill!
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)in the US isn't a right, it's the largest religion in the country outnumbering even Christianity and like radical Islam they have a Jihadist attitude.