Assault gun Kelly strikes again
I ran across an article in a pro gun site about Assault Gun Kelly aka Robin Kelly, representative for Illinois second district and how she backs having the new Surgeon General report to congress on gun violence. OH! The Horror!
Article here:
So I thought I'd look into her gun control agenda and sure enough she has one. She published a paper, called of all things The Kelly Report about gun violence. She had a lot of help from like minded representatives and Everytown for Gun Safety which are all listed and their input cited. At the end of the report a series of suggested actions for both Federal and State legislators to consider and promote in the interest of reducing gun violence. After reading all the spittle covered rhetoric from the gun side I thought I'd have a look at the draconian tyrannical gungrabbing ideas she has. Briefly they follow:
Institute universal background checks for private sales.
Reauthorize the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.
Require Ammunition Sellers to Obtain a License.
Regulate Guns Like Other Potentially Dangerous Consumer Products.
Help the ATF Track Straw Purchase Data.
Expand the Federal Definition of Intimate Partner to include dating partners and past partners.
Keep Guns From High Risk Individuals including stalkers and violent violent misdemeanants.
Examine Gun Violence as a Matter of Public Heath (what engendered the article above).
Promote the Tracing of Firearms Used in Criminal Activity.
Waive Gun Manufacturer Liability Exemption to hold gun manufacturers to the same standards as other makers of consumer products.
All but three of these have been mentioned or supported outright in the RKBA group. I think if someone agrees with you 70% of the time you might call them friend instead of enemy.
At the state level Kelly et al would like to see:
Repeal Stand Your Ground Laws and include duty to retreat for claiming self defense.
Develop a Firearm Restraining Order Petition Process to allow friends and family to petition the court to remove weapons from someone who may be a danger to themselves or others.
Expand Domestic Violence Statutes to Include Stalking and other Dangerous Activity.
Require Court or Medical Professional Pre-Clearance for Gun Reinstatement for Individuals Hospitalized for Mental Health Purposes.
Require Physicians to Ask Child-Wellness Questions to Promote Home Safety.
The only one of these that severely harelips the RKBA folks is the medical safety speech. All the others have been supported by somebody in the RKBA group. Yet the reflex reaction is the kneejerk 'gonna take my guns away' to any of these policies.
You can read the entire Kelly Report here:
(6,643 posts)says everything one needs to know about why we should all support Robin Kelly and her proposed agenda:
That they place the phrase public health in quotes is more than enough evidence about how little importance the guns-before-people Second Amendment absolutists place on their victims.