'Immeasurable pain of his loss' - Former Guam Democratic Party Chairman murdered in Philippines
At 73, after having worked in the insurance industry for decades, former Guam Democratic Party Chairman Frank Q. Cruz had time for frequent travels overseas.
He publicly posted on social media his "bucket list" to see the world, help the needy and invest in developing a commercial building in General Santos, Philippines. The bustling seaside city is a hub for international tuna transshipment in the Mindanao region, but has also been gripped by drug crimes, militant attacks and ransom kidnappings that target foreign nationals.
Yet the area also has friendly people who enthrall foreigners to open up with kindness and financial help. In some of his social media posts, Cruz would note that for as little as $200, he'd managed to help a family to bury their dead, or help send a child to school.
The city where Cruz had planned to spend some time made him the target of a robbery that would claim his life.
Cruz went missing on Feb. 28. Two weeks later, his body was found buried in a shallow grave, his head wrapped in packing tape and his feet bound by rope, the regional police in General Santos City confirmed Friday.
Read more: https://www.postguam.com/news/local/immeasurable-pain-of-his-loss/article_9111df9c-2900-11e8-90cb-efddd563015d.html

LOCATION: General Santos City in Mindanao, Philippines, is shown. The city is nearly a two-hour flight from Manila. Image courtesy of Google Maps