Lottery Director Defends Himself Following Letter Detailing Alleged Waste, Corruption at VI Lottery
Virgin Islands Lottery (V.I.L.) Executive Director Juan Figueroa Sr. wrote a letter addressed to Government House and the 32nd Legislature of the Virgin Islands on Wednesday, in response to what Mr. Figueroa said was an attempt by an unidentified employee, or a number of them, to shame and malign the integrity of V.I.L.
What this person(s) has done is selfish and malicious, Mr. Figueroa wrote in the letter, seen here. They have not mustered the courage to identify themselves publicly, nor have they discussed their concerns with me. These are traits of a coward. In any organization there must be discipline and commitment to self and duty. As executive director, I am to ensure that the goals and objectives of the Virgin Islands Lottery are met daily.
But even as Mr. Figueroa sought to cast the action as an act of cowardice while shaping himself as a champion of VI Lottery, he did not address the accusations included in the letter and there were many. As a professional I will never entertain any accusatory document that is without a signature, he wrote. In any judicial process, the accuser will always have the right to face their accused. The Virgin Islands Lottery was never about me. Its not yours nor mine. Its the peoples Lottery and we have made great stride and progress, not for some individual to trample on it.
Employees in both public and private institutions who speak out on matters of concern, almost never identify themselves in fear of retribution. And in many institutions, these anonymous letters have led to important change.
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