Democratic Primaries
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Florida Voters Prefer Joe Biden's Health Care Plan Over Bernie Sanders' Ahead Of Key Primary
Bernie's Medicare for all plan is sort of like Trump's build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. A lot of people would have no problem with a wall if Mexico was, indeed, going to pay for it. Likewise, a lot of folks may not care about tax cuts if the deficit does not grow. Of course, that is not the truth.
All these polls about support for Medicare for All are somewhat meaningless, because no one is seeing the whole plan, because Bernie refuses to talk cost or how he would pay for it. Indeed, Bernie himself has admitted he has no idea how much it will cost.
Why doesn't Bernie say? Because he knows there will be blowback. In fact, like a hypocrite, he attacked Elizabeth Warren when she laid out how much her plans costs and how she would pay for it, by criticizing the taxes imposed on businesses! Yes, that is right, Bernie found his inner Ronald Reagan, to attack Warren for taxing businesses to pay for her Medicare for All plan.
So, I am sure that Bernie will spam how much people like Medicare for All, but that is just a talking point. Until we actually see a full plan, we can't take this too seriously. Even if Bernie was elected, he would have not mandate, because once the details trickled out, he would not be able to pass squat. It would be even worse then Trump's wall, because it would be several orders of magnitude more expensive.
The Florida Emerson College/Nexstar Poll found that 55.7 percent of 385 likely Democratic voters prefer Biden's health care plan to Sanders' plan, which got 44.3 percent of support.
The two Democratic candidates have vastly different views when it comes to how the health care system should operate in the U.S. Biden's campaign website states his health care plan consists of building on the Affordable Care Act that was signed into law under former President Barack Obama. Biden's plan aims to "insure more than an estimated 97 percent of Americans" by providing a public health insurance option, among other policies.
Sanders wants a complete overhaul of the American health care system. He believes health care is a human right and should be provided to all Americans on the government's dime. His website states that Sanders aims to "create a Medicare for All, single-payer, national health insurance program to provide everyone in America with comprehensive health care coverage, free at the point of service." To accomplish this, Sanders' plan would eventually take every American off of their current health care plans and move them onto a government-run program.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(28,290 posts)ACA provides for Medicaid extension.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(16,295 posts)and in a perfect world, everyone would have it. It pays 100% of my medical bills and prescriptions and I get to choose pretty much whatever doctor I want. I know Medicaid for all won’t happen but I really am thankful it got expanded.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(307,115 posts)![](imgs/2020-avatar-120-biden.jpg)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,076 posts)First of all, Florida has lots of old people who know that Medicare has some great things about it...but a lot of not so great things, too. Like how they need expensive supplemental policies to get all of the care they need. There's a reason why border towns here in Texas are full of old people from all over the country, especially in the winter. These people have Medicare, but they get cheaper care and meds in Mexico so that they don't have to use up their benefits and have nothing at the end of the year if they have a serious chronic condition chewing through their bennies at light speed. Or if something goes wrong. They also don't need to worry about falling into the dreaded donut hole, either, if Mexico is filling in the gap for them. They can also get cheap dental care there--something that isn't covered by Medicare.
So it's not a surprise that they aren't enamored with Medicare for All.
You know what we need? Medi-CAL for all, and by that I mean the California Medicaid program. It covers doctor visits, hospitalization, prescriptions, dental care, and some vision care benefits.
If nothing else, BS could at least get off his lazy butt, track down Ted Kennedy's old National Health Insurance plan, dust it off and see if that will fly today.
Because Medicare for all is going nowhere. And fast. Especially when its chief champion is someone with zero idea about how to come up with any details for making it happen--or how to make it work. That he can't even bother to crib Teddy K's notes on a genuine single-payer plan makes him even more untrustworthy on the issue.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden