Democratic Primaries
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Here's an Idea, Senator Sanders:
You think the Tuesday primaries should be cancelled? Fine. Announce your withdrawal from the primary race this morning and strongly endorse Joe Biden for the nomination and for election in November. Release all of your current delegates to vote on the first ballot for Biden.
Then, we can cancel all of the remaining primaries and nominate Joe Biden by acclamation at the convention.
Will you do that, Bernie?
Then the primaries will be held and you'll still lose.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden

George II
(67,782 posts)....are saying they should be cancelled, probably only because he's going to get slaughtered.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(28,835 posts)"I would hope that governors listen to the public health experts, and what they are saying is you just indicated we don't want gatherings of more than 50 people. I'm thinking about some of the elderly people sitting behind the desks, registering people, doing all that stuff. Does that make a lot of sense? I'm not sure that it does."

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,115 posts)He knows Biden won

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,803 posts)So he can continue slamming Biden for a month or so more in a misguided effort to win the nomination or drag Biden farther to the left. We are repeating 2016.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,026 posts)He just wants more time to trash our nominee.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)He knows it, too.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(85,363 posts)Do for your country, NOT for your damn ego, Bernie. Step away now while you can still go out gracefully. You can look like a hero that way, rather than an angry, bitter, shriveled-up curmudgeon. Stop scolding and pointing, and BE the uniter you like to claim to be.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Maru Kitteh
(29,750 posts)Same old, same old.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)... that's my opinion. Others may have a different opinion, but that one is MINE.
Joe/Kamala or Biden/Harris 2020!!
Jump on the Biden Bandwagon & abandon the revolution!!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)So, he can do it after tomorrow's primaries.
I wish he'd do the right thing right now, though.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)So that could be a big motivation too. (But what it says about the candidate who puts donations and continuing to fight for a lost cause over unity is something that's not at all flattering.)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)Once a candidate drops out, that candidate ceases to be relevant to the election. Senator Sanders cannot stand feeling irrelevant, even though he actually is.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)
The candidate that I support will be one who lives in the real world... who puts the well-being of others, our nation, our planet, above his own ego.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)You don't continue to declare yourself to be an "Independent" in a two party world without having an ego that is almost Trumpian. You don't continue on in a campaign that is clearly doomed without a massive ego.
While it does take a very strong sense of self to run for President, the belief that nobody else can do the job as well as you can is pure ego. That's never true. Believing that you are losing only because "the system is rigged" is also a symptom of an overestimation of yourself. More ego.
Bernie is an iconoclast, pure and simple. He thinks everything that is held to be important needs to be torn down, and that he can rebuild the American belief system into something he thinks is better. More of his massive ego speaking.
He should withdraw today, but will not. His massive ego will not allow him to admit defeat.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)He's missing another golden opportunity to keep himself relevant and to put a positive postscript to his failing campaign... if only he'd use this moment to promote and encourage unity and healing rather than a continuation of stubbornness and distrust.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)The first kind see him as a candidate with ideas that might improve governance in this country. When push comes to shove, though, that kind of Sanders supporter will vote for the Democratic nominee in the end.
The second kind of follower has a revolutionary political philosophy and believes that only a dramatic and drastic change can save the nation, or believes that we would be better off with no government at all. That kind of follower of Bernie Sanders will not vote for the Democratic candidate. In truth, they don't really even like Bernie all that much. They are interested only in their point of view and reject all others.
In many ways, people on both the far right and far left prefer chaos to order. The right wing has Donald Trump, who represents chaotic government better than any former President. The leftmost Sanders supporters count on Bernie to lead the nation into chaos, as well, through an inability to form coalitions.
When either extreme holds power, we are in big, big trouble.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)I wonder what that bell curve would look like if you connected the left and right ends together. Probably something like a swollen boil.
The difference between anarchy and extreme libertarianism is very small actually. Both value the individual over the society, so both end up causing similar chaos.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,522 posts)But I don't get the first crowd this time around when we had Warren. I think there's a little something more with that first crowd because I could have easily been a member in '16 if Sanders and many of his supporters hadn't quickly put me off. Their sticking with Sanders confirms it.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(52,077 posts)Otherwise, be quiet and take your lumps at the polls.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)be postponed or cancelled. Such suggestions are just a way of putting off the inevitable for Sanders.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(52,077 posts)the race and extend the primary dates. I doubt he is getting sound advice from his inner circle.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(35,357 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(64,852 posts)Say it ain't so!

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(37,748 posts)Or simply continue with your imaginary conversation with him.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,605 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)I'm sick of it. And obviously the voters are as well. Did you see this?
538 Forecast of delegate count at the end of the primaries:
Biden - 2,430 (439 more than 1991)

Sanders - 1,339 (652 short of 1991)

Gabbard - 45
Others with delegates:
Warren -72
Bloomberg - 61
Buttigieg - 26
Klobuchar - 7
Chances of getting to 1991:
Biden - 99 in 100, >99%
No One - <1 in 100, 0.3%
Sanders - <1 in 100, 0.1%
Gabbard - <1 in 100, 0.0%

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,605 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,568 posts)Not everyone would agree with that assessment, but if he really believes that what he has to offer is best for the American people then why should he drop out?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)and because we're in the middle of an epidemic. Those are are just two of the reasons.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,568 posts)Also, staying in the race may push Joe Biden to the left which is where Bernie believes that Joe should be.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)The polls are very revealing. He has picked up the votes of all those who would have voted for other candidates who have already dropped out. I suspect he's even getting most of the Warren supporters' votes.
There is no longer a path for Sanders to the nomination. Sorry, Bernie, but it's over.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,568 posts)very likely he will not be the nominee. That might allow him maximum leverage over the formation of the party's platform.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(148,652 posts)It just won't. He has gotten concessions from Biden already. He should be satisfied with those.
I'm sorry, but he is now obstructing things, not running for office. His opportunity in 2020 has passed, if it ever existed in the first place, which I doubt.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(58,785 posts)be there to play to his mean, dishonest base, and further goals psychologists would probably be best able to describe, by sowing as much trouble for Democrats as he can, lying as much as possible about Democrats in the national spotlight, and undermining as much trust in Democrats as he can manage.
He shouldn't be there at all, of course, but some well-meaning people didn't do their homework.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,115 posts)his ego and righteousness after soundly being voted against by the people? Maxim leverage? Wow. Then he and his supporters need to just let go of being for the people because this is exactly the opposite of that.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)nothing.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,568 posts)Bernie's supporters and almost guarantee a Trump victory.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,115 posts)for a reprieve of a total loss on Tuesday.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,568 posts)that means he is not concerned about the people? Got it.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,115 posts)vote. That is ... Oh what would be the best word?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,568 posts)to deny them a voice in the process. After all, less than half of the delegates have been chosen so far.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,115 posts)Republicans helping out.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Response to LizBeth (Reply #55)
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(11,115 posts)AN honorable honest man would do the right thing for the voters. But, Sanders won't because, ego.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Response to LizBeth (Reply #52)
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(11,115 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Response to LizBeth (Reply #58)
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(11,115 posts)And Lives. That is what matters, right? Pragmatism.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Response to LizBeth (Reply #60)
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(11,115 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,115 posts)Each and their supporters think only they are best to be President. Warren literally would have been best, she lost.
If Sanders truly was the best for the job, looking at the numbers, acknowledging the loss, he would stop it here and hand it to Biden and show the nation, that he was totally Presidential. Keeping this going only confirms that he is not Presidential material.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)Trump.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,568 posts)To get to 1991 delegates Bernie would have to win 1252 of the 2183 delegates remaining to be chosen. So he absolutely has a mathematical chance. Realistically he has very little chance but he does have mathematical chance so you are wrong.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(5 posts)don't give trump any ideas.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(5,264 posts)Running for president this long when he is clearly never going to win is just his way of getting more attention and publicity for when he writes another book.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(44,139 posts)No need for primaries if there is a nominee. For the safety of the country, and considering the polls, Bernie should do this.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Response to MineralMan (Original post)
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(148,652 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,115 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(43,891 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,011 posts)All these states have other elections scheduled for the same day.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(4,515 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden