Democratic Primaries
Related: About this forumBernie Sanders Drinking Game Through July - Will he, Or Won't He?
I predict that every day, we will hear Bernie or his campaign make at least one of the following five statements:
1. Say that he is staying in because he is interested in running to raise awareness of his issues, even though the only issues that seem get attention are his repeated attacks on Biden's character and motives.
2. Announce a press conference teasing that Bernie may dropout only to announce that he is staying in (surprise). I guess the press has not read the story about the boy who cried wolf because they keep falling for this gag again and again.
3. Complain about the how the media or the "establishment" are being so unfair and biased toward him and that he is not going to drop out until his evolving list of demands are met: "Hello DNC? I want Cornell West to be on the platform committee and this time, I promise you he will not put on a Jill Stein 2020 Button until after the ink is dry."
4. Attack the primary process as rigged and coyly state "Hey, some people will say that if it was not rigged, I would have the nomination."
5. When anyone points out that Bernie has engaged in any of the prior four actions, attack that person for undermining Democratic unity. Lack of unity is caused by pointing out Bernie's efforts to undermine the Democratic party and unity.
So, if you want to keep the party going in the midst of being locked down, take a shot whenever one of the five aforementioned statements are made by Bernie or his campaign.
The goal is to steal headlines and do things to keep himself and his various grievances in the public eye and damage Biden, so that if Biden wins, Bernie will brag that he endorsed Biden at the last minute, and take the credit.
Alternatively, if Biden loses, then he will attack the Democratic party as failing for not going far enough to embrace him while Cornell West cheers on the demise of the Democratic Party, Susan Sarandon talks about how Trump's reelection will really sow the seeds of revolution this time, and Briahna Joy Gray defends the Russians from claims that they interfered in U.S. elections.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(70,374 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(306,175 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
I need to stock up a hell of a lot more wine.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(17,779 posts)...have been closed here. Need to stock up.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,026 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
If we had a legitimate media, rather than moron stenographer pools, this one could be easily knocked down once and for all, in five minutes flat.
Journalist: Primary process rigged? How? By whom?
The BS BS answer: The DNC has prevented BS voters from voting for me!
Journalist: States control the voting process, from accepting and logging registration forms to where and how people vote. What does the DNC have to do with that?
The BS BS goalpost-moving answer: By not registering my supporters to vote as Democrats! By not sending in their registrations!
Retort: WTF? Anyone and everyone can register without having anything at all to do with the DNC. They can register at the DMV or pick up a form at, oh, the library, fill it out and mail it in, without ever seeing hide nor hair of someone in the DNC. They don't even have to know the DNC exists to register to vote. Since most people are registered without the DNC's involvement, how does that rig the primary process?
The BS BS goalpost-moving answer: They rig it with the people that the party does sign up!
Retort: The DNC hardly ever has a direct hand in registering voters. Candidate campaigns, state parties and local groups are far more active with that, because they know the local registration process better, and it's in their interests to make sure that all registration forms get filled out and turned in properly. Once they turn it in, their involvement ends, then and there. So where is the rigging?
The BS BS goalpost-moving answer: They tell people how to vote, rather than letting them make up their own minds!
Retort: How? By staying out of it when your opponent runs ads and expresses where he stands on the issues?
The BS BS goalpost moving answer: By telling them who to vote for to keep me from winning!
Retort: You still haven't said how they accomplish it. Besides, even if they did send out marching orders to vote a certain way, since when does any voter have to obey? How would the DNC even know how someone will vote? They won't be going in the booth with you to force you to vote a certain way or filling out your ballot for you behind your back--Republicans do that. So again, how does the DNC rig the primary process against you, when they have almost no control over the registration process, no control over the election process, no mind-reading powers to know how anyone will vote, and no ability to fill out ballots for any voter, never mind millions of them? Or is the real problem that the process isn't rigged, but it makes you feel better to lie that it is, rather than facing the fact that the voters are choosing someone else as their candidate?
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(27,353 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)It is a shame, but there it is. As they say, past performance is the best predictor of future behavior. Doubly so with an old man who prides himself on his 'consistency', and views compromise as anathema.
"You will not rise to the occasion. You will default to your level of training."
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,315 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden