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Speaker Pelosi's Facebook Page Swarms With Parscale's Paid Trolls.
Last edited Tue Apr 7, 2020, 04:52 PM - Edit history (1)
I've been at this for at least two years, and Democratic poster support is lessening under Democratic leaders' threads, particularly on Pelosi's page. You're welcome to speculate why, but that's beside the point, imo. I'm just tired of seeing 9 out of every 10 posts as trolls, harassers and dumbass meme insults in recent months.
If we feel as if there's not a lot we can do while staying home, I say this is one good standup thing we can do.
I'm calling on any Facebook account holders here to help Speaker Pelosi out.
Don't post negativity about helping her here.
Don't tell everyone here that you're not on Facebook or are too whatever to be on Facebook. Don't bother posting about freedom of speech.
The point of this post is to help Speaker Pelosi.
Here's what troll farms look like in the U.S. Any other info about them is most welcome.
Here's a sample from Pelosi's FB page full of paid hater trolls:
If you go to her page, do not engage trolls' content. It is no content. It's a swarm of unlinked lies, dumbass memes, soundbites right out of Parscales playbook.
There are a few things you can do.
One is to call them out. Sample:
Theyre nothing but fakeass photos on walls.
Hey, troll-y doods!
While you thread shit for Brad, Jacob, Jerry, Juice, Alexander, Kamaruzaman and Simon Z BOT, do you kiss Parscales and Trumps ass much? Rantic much?
McClatchy, New York Times, Forbes, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook all report posters like you, who are violators of their sites' terms of service.
So you come to where Republican troll swarms are welcome to abuse other political leaders accounts and threads Zuckerbergs honeypot.
Decent Facebook people report these fakeass account trolls anyway.
Here are other ways to stop anti-Democrat posters under any Democratic leader's posts:
-- open a second FB tab, type their name in the FB search box -- if it shows diacritical marks to pronounce their name, they're fake; so right click on their cover photo and Report them.
-- look up their walls to check out if they're real. The same names as 'friends' will often show up together on targeted threads.
-- If their wall never shows political posts, they're paid trolls.
-- So, Right click the cover photo's Message box, then click Report. Follow cues to label them a "Fake Account." Or "Spam." Or "Harassment." If you click "Hate Speech" nothing will be done by FB monitors.
-- If their FB walls show nothing, or posts about bullshit that have nothing to do with the thread you're on,
-- Right click the cover photo's Message box, then click Report. Follow cues to label them a "Fake Account." Or "Spam." Or "Harassment." Click "Hate Speech" and nothing will be done by FB monitors.
FB is paying attention, this election year. So should we.
We know that ...
Daily, every single Democratic candidate gets hit by paid trolls and bots.
Daily, every single legal organization is getting hit by them, and
so are sponsored posts on every single Big Issue in America like race, homosexuality, abortion, you. name. it.
Google something about it. 3 billion posts of this bullshit energy-wasting activity were deleted by Facebook in the first quarter of 2019 alone.
I've seen that Biden's page is better handled by his campaign people, but it doesn't hurt to check anyway.
I'm not concerned about who here does or doesn't respond. It's just that, right now, any help Pelosi gets for her social media accounts is good, whether DU'ers say they help or not. If you see the merit of helping her on social media and want to try these things, I'm definitely grateful.
This is not about helping Facebook.
This is about helping our great Democrat in the Peoples House.
We can't let the poisoner haters take over Democratic threads in social media if we can help it.
And we CAN help it.
Yes, we can.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden

(3,440 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
So let's get to work.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Response to ancianita (Original post)
left-of-center2012 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(58,785 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)right?
Of course we all know she's not running, and yet her work to keep this a fair and honest presidential year is a major factor, not a loose connection, to the DP supporters who want unity.
I think the most ardent Democrats are in these forums right now, and Pelosi's major social media problem hurts this party's election year from the primaries to the convention to November.
It's just my opinion.
Biden, I believe, cares about social media support of Democrats and their House leader. Since I'm a committed Biden Democrat, I thought I'd bring an issue he'd support here.
If I'm reported, I'm reported. No distraction or deflection intended on my part, however. Just a call to the most intense DU'ers to help out a leader.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Omaha Steve
(104,711 posts)I've seen that Biden's page is better handled by his campaign people, but it doesn't hurt to check anyway.
Because of that text, this post belongs here.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(49,929 posts)I've seen that on a few posters I assumed were trolls. Why or how does that happen?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(49,929 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)Their foreign poster ID models have floated over here and end up getting unwittingly copied by some US troll farms.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
I thought it was odd when I saw it and the posters were usually the more obnoxious and persistent ones.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(30,235 posts)i block them all. on twitter too.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)data on their accounts. It might matter to FB admins, but I've no evidence from them about that.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(22,651 posts)I think she's 3rd in line for the presidents seat currently, so she is relevant to the current primary and general election.
plus she's able to CUT right into the current presidents bubble... everytime Trump hears paper ripping he thinks of her
everytime Trump sees clapping hands extended towards him, he sees Nancy

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(39,937 posts)At least occasionally, so as to send the swarms elsewhere.
Perhaps someone can contact her digital team and recommend that.
It completely blew past me. Thank you!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(18,217 posts)Member since '15, 0 friends.
That's a tell, right?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)Glad you reported dw roes. Who knows what they're about. I've seen many of the same names on her entire wall that don't post much of anything on their walls, and only occasionally some RW talking points or memes. So the 2015 date might or might not be a tell.
Anything from 2016 membership onward could show their intent, I suspect.
Thanks for your post!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(49,929 posts)obnoxious ones that they don't have real personal photos. Basically, they don't look like real people. If you go to their page, there are no personal posts. They are either political or there are none at all.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
All the more reason to Report them as fake accounts, which there's a button for, as I recall.
Empty accounts sit on FB all the time, all belonging to indifferent humans, but it's still good to err on the side of Reporting them, when they do show up, since they could be commandeered accounts by hackers, who Parscale also pays for.
All this is important detail to keep in mind as people explore trolls' walls, so thanks for pointing them out.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(8,148 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
I had considered that, but there are numerous other signs that would indicate that the person is not real. Well, aside from the constant obnoxious behavior.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,437 posts)If we just sit by and let them do what they want, they'll think they won. I can't have that. We need to keep fighting them with facts every chance we get.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(39,937 posts)from you for ad buy.
Can you tell who are Democrats and who are paid trolls or bots? Ask them a question that a Democrat can answer. Bots and trolls won't answer you
If you really just don't want to sit by, try my suggestions to get rid of suspects so that you will finally see real humans reappear on the threads you're on.
Real humans write in nuanced meaning style. They use if-then thinking and questions.
Bots write in script soundbite style.
Real humans will engage and argue with you. If you find them and think they're worth your effort, knock yourself out.
Just be aware that if you don't check their walls and previous posting content, photos and friends, you're just as likely being laughed at by one of Parscale's trolls.
But if you're not able to see the difference between human writing styles and troll styles, I suggest you go through Speaker Pelosi's threads and learn the difference.
Best of luck.
Don't feed the trolls, as they say.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(8,148 posts)like it's coordinated. Standing up for the legislators who are on our side is something we can all do. It's one way to fight the fight...

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)The more Pelosi posts news on the House "bipartisan" oversight commission on coronavirus, the worse it will get.
These are swarms that spray poison. And from what I've seen during the last couple of months, rarely do real Democrats show up to support her.
It's as if her digital people feel they can't file complaints to Facebook as long as their poison is a freedom of speech issue. I just hope they're keeping a name list to submit to FB with the goal of clearing out these trolls.
My reason for going on her threads is so that the collective mob swarm actually be consistently pointed out. Which I've done.
You can add to that if you write your reasons to Facebook about this by going to their Contact link.
Be sure to block the troll names on your wall. I read somewhere that Facebook examines block lists for repeat names, though I'm not sure if they will this year. Last year, they said they dropped millions of accounts, so maybe they will again. And your list of names blocked contributes to their data.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(8,148 posts)So you're saying it's good to respond to the trolls? I often post a gif that annoys them, of Kellyann & Sara Sanders flapping their mouths like robots, I feel that puts across that they're trolls spouting nonsense. That kind of thing recommended? If it's a troll, it's a real person, or a real person running many different sock accounts?
I look at defending Pelosi, Biden, etc, posted articles from the Atlantic, msnbc, etc and local tv news stations akin to putting a sign in the yard. It's psychological and helps antiTrump/Democrats/non political people who don't want to get into the fray (or do but are afraid) that it's not hopeless (the inevitability bullshit Trump and his followers put out, psychology is huge), shows them how to fight, shows them they're not alone.
Other thing is, it looks like some are real people, wingnuts but real. How best to respond to them? I go by the tactic they're using and respond accordingly. I've been debating wingnuts since the internet started, I'm pretty good at it but sometimes wonder if I'm wasting my time with some situations.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)Sure, post gifs to annoy them. Still, all that does is validate their presence. It's funny, though.
I appreciate your fair points.
I understand that you know the audience is way beyond the trolls, so your "sign in the yard" is a fair attempt to represent Democrats in her threads, and I'm glad you want to encourage others to engage with you. That engagement, however, to the audience you describe, can also have an unintended effect of their thinking that both Dems and Republican trolls are just as combative on the threads.
We don't have to be perfect. We can show off. But I like to think that the thread would be the kind that if Speaker Pelosi read it, she'd be proud of Democrats' superior thinking and standing up for our party's values.
Make intelligent points along with your gifs. Make other intelligent, fact-filled posts with links, as well; say, some links you pick up here. Mix all that up with pointing out to other readers how the anti-Pelosi posters can't or don't respond intelligently because it's not in their 'paid troll playbook'. Actually point out how fake they are, how they wouldn't even be in the thread if they weren't paid. Talk about their wall's content. Show them up as fakes. It's not enough just to react to their content.
For the wingnutties, demand links every time. When they get personal, ask questions about how far they got in school. Point out logic flaws. Make sure to remind them that when they post links, you will, too, because "that's how rational discussions work." You could add, "Take your time. We'll all wait." Stuff that shows the readers how deficient and toxic they are.
If you want to have fun nailing trolls, fine. You can complain to FB that they allow troll swarms, and document names, to pressure their action. Because in the end, the goal is to just investigate and report them. To get them out.
Thanks for your thoughtful post.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(23,571 posts)"While walking along in desert sand, you suddenly look down and see a tortoise crawling toward you. You reach down and flip it over onto its back. The tortoise lies there, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over, but it cannot do so without your help. You are not helping. Why?"

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)thread has turned to troll-churned shit.
Please. Go on her FB thread where she posted:
1. call these trolls out
2. report them to FB.
This is about crippling this platform's trolls now, during the primaries, so that they're kept out of FB by FB later during the GE.
Yes, we can!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(85,363 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,937 posts)as well get practice reporting trolls in time to clear off Biden's threads during the General Election.
Parscale's message to bloody donnie and Putin: "Thanks. We'll take it from here..."
I'm in there right now.
I report each once as a "Fake Account," then block that poster.
Each and every time I see them later, I report them for "Harassment."

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden