Democratic Primaries
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BTRTN Wisconsin Primary Preview: What if They Held an Election and Nobody Showed Up?
Born To Run The Numbers provides its prediction about the Wisconsin Primary. Yes, Wisconsin is holding a primary today..actual in-person, polling-sites-open primary. Find out why Republicans are insisting this crazy election go on in the face of COVID-19 here:
Excerpts: "It may come as a surprise to you that there is a primary today, in Wisconsin. An actual in-person, polling-sites-open primary. This is in a state that issued a statewide shelter-at-home order on March 25. How is this possible? If the Iowa caucuses were a textbook study of how to screw up an election, then the Wisconsin primary is the poster child for how not to deal with an election in the face of the coronavirus crisis. In a nutshell, initially neither the Democratic governor nor the Republican-controlled legislature much wanted a 'mail-in only' election. And by the time the governor, Tony Evers, changed his mind, he could not get the legislature to agree to postpone the election or go for full mail-in. So he went to the courts for relief...There have been more zigs and zags here than in a typical Donald Trump coronavirus press conference...
"Everyone knows Biden is going to win big except for Bernie Sanders most zealous supporters. Certainly Sanders himself has no illusions. On the other hand, it is hard to be sure about Sanders, since he has not been seen since he told reporters to buzz off about his campaign 'assessment.' ('Im trying to deal with a fucking global crisis.') That was on March 18. Ive been watching a lot of TV of late. Seen a lotta Cuomo. Too much Trump. Even a little bit of Biden. Sanders? Not one sighting..."

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)As BTRTN notes: "Why are the Republicans being so stupidly intransigent, willing to put their own voters lives at risk by insisting the polls be open? Because there is another election on the ballot besides the presidential primary, and they want to win it. There is a conservative judge on the state supreme court up for reelection, and the GOP needs him there to uphold voting restrictions that could disenfranchise over 200,000 voters in Wisconsin in the fall, who are far more likely to be Democratic voters."
But I have to wonder whether it could backfire on them. Many rank-and-file voters of both parties don't pay much attention to elections for judges. Will enough GOPers come out just to vote for this supreme court judge since they aren't having a primary?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(72,510 posts)Of course they are probably limiting the number of voters inside.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)And I heard that more than half a million has already voted by mail.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)so I predict (for what it is worth) that Sanders craters...down by double digits. I also think that we may take that Court then all this is for nothing for the GOP who have clearly demonstrated their indifference to human life...and to citizens of Wisconsin in particular...and we will see the worthless GOP folks in November. Virginia was like this at first but now it is all blue.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(29,941 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,564 posts)Democrats, especially Bernie Bros, did not turn out for Hillary and that gave us Trump in 2016.
We must win this year!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden