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Vice President Biden's Passover Message
This is a great message
In these difficult times, the message of Passover resonates with us as never before. At its heart, this is a holiday about coming together to overcome the sternest of challenges and meeting adversity with generosity, optimism, and faith. The story of the exodus from Egypt is a call to resilience, but also a call to empathy; it recounts how God delivered the ancient Israelites from bondage, but carries vital lessons about the values of community and connection that make freedom worthwhile. And while the Haggadah is grounded in the past, it also sheds light on how we might rise above the crises of the present and future with our humanity intact.
Jill and I know how hard it is for so many families, friends, and communities to not be physically together at Passover this year. The thought of all those grandchildren and grandparents, siblings and cousins, neighbors, and strangers in need who will mark their
Passover seders alone this year tears at our hearts. But we also know that you are still together in the senses of
the word that matter most; blocks away or miles apart, across virtual connections and the connection of common faith, you nevertheless celebrate as one.
If Passover teaches us anything, its that a united and open-hearted people can come through any challenge and emerge stronger on the other side. The American people and the people of all nations are facing down a new challenge today a treacherous journey across unfamiliar terrain. And like the heroes of the Passover story, we will survive that journey by calling upon the values that define us: our caring for strangers, our strength in unity, and our faith in better days.
Jill and I wish you a happy, healthy holiday, and we are proud to walk with you on the journey ahead.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden

(96,604 posts)Blessings of health and community, and may we meet again in better days.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(58,785 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(18,402 posts)even though it will, for the first time, be just the two of us, hopefully with some Skyping with the grandkids.
The chicken soup has been made, the brisket is in the oven, and a Passover cake was cobbled together. Tomorrow the vegetables and matzo balls will be added, and the Seder plate prepared. Well, we can eat all week on this (chicken from soup was carefully saved.)
Mostly we will be contemplating Joes message about overcoming adversity and moving toward freedom for all people.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,203 posts)G** gifts us with both faith and our share of intelligence. You are exercising both.
Chag sameach!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(308,408 posts)Goth

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(524 posts)We also are preparing for the holiday,with others in mind and prayers

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(283 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden