Democratic Primaries
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Can someone explain this to me? Where were the WI national guard?!
I thought the National Guard were to fill in for the poll workers who couldnt be there.
So - wtf - Milw. had only 5 polling places open???
I read this paragraph twice and I still dont understand:
"Asked why the city wasnt able to open more polling places with the help of the National Guard,(MILW CO. election commissioner) Albrecht said he didn't know until yesterday exactly how many members would be able to help at Milwaukee's polling places. He added that the city ended up getting about 170 members."
ISNT THAT KINDA bass-ackwards?
Dont you figure out how many you need and then call up that number? There are nearly 10,000 WI national guard - why were only 1/4 of those called up? Why were only 160 posted to Milwaukee, about the same no. as to Madison a smaller city which has less than half the population
RACIAL DISPARAITY - ya think????????
Is 10,000 not enough? Then get some from other states. Still not enough? then thats were the feds step in to insure voting rights and make it safe .
Im beyond pissed.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided

(12,638 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(3,577 posts)Neil Albrecht is nothing like what you are proposing. In normal times the election commission works just fine for all voters. Arranging to open new polling places on the fly with almost no notice and use untrained workers would be very difficult. The problem is an unfortunate collision between the corona virus and the Republican legislature and Supreme Court, who don't want "certain people" to vote.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,927 posts)usual ones. Not as if we havent known for weeks that the Repub legislature and Repub court wouldnt allow the election to be delayed.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(58,785 posts)The vast discrepancy between the numbers who turned out to vote and those of most poll workers who thought it was only appropriate to stay home is a huge clue. Very striking considering that people who volunteer to work the polls in the first place are among our more committed.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,927 posts)went wrong here, and not just write it all off as Repub obstruction and disenfranchisement. Obviously, there is the latter. The question is how do we use what power we DO have, and at least not exacerbate the problem.
Actually Im not quite understanding what you mean by "gamed," or by whom.... The Milw Co. election official is a Dem.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(58,785 posts)The Repubs have been doing their best for decades, to hide what they're up to, to confuse and obfuscate, through false equalization with Democrats. Every citizen they demoralize and cause to believe there is no good choice to vote for is a victory for them. That's also a huge tactic of the anti-Democrat left and various hostile nations -- to defeat Democrats.
If like so many, you are confused about the enormous differences between today's Democrats and Republicans and the enormous battle being waged for the future of our country, I strongly suggest you start learning.
Itm, you would be quite safe going on the assumption that the Democratic governor wanted as many people to vote as possible because that's always the truth. If you can't put away some "Dems-are-just-as-bad" cynicism, then remember his political future also depends on it.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,927 posts)understand what the problem was, what went wrong - SO WE CAN FIX IT FOR NEXT TIME! Yes, shouting, cos some are apparently hard of hearing.
Do you have a crystal ball and know that corona virus wont be a problem in November? Indeed, there are suggestions that it might subside and flair up like seasonal flue.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(58,785 posts)on the Democratic side, that we are at fault -- in the face of enormous blatant RW election sabotage!!! This is what THEY do, and always immediately before attention turns to them.
No to chewing Democratic ankles instead of their throats.
It is an interesting question, If Democrats decided to send NG troops to other parts of the state but not to the city, there will be a reason. Why not go find out what actually happened and why and report it back? And watch those sources.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(53,544 posts)Keep in mind that at a minimum, only citizens of the state and eligible to vote can serve as poll workers. Unless there was a waiver, they must also be a citizen of the county.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,927 posts)poll workers throughout the state..... except woefully and tragically inadequate in Milwaukee county (ie the most African American area in WI and a blue stronghold).

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(53,544 posts)I provided what I knew as to requirements otherwise.
Did NG actually serve as pollworkers or just helped enforce social distancing during the process?
And you didn't provide whether the EO waived the requirement of NG being a county resident.
And I seriously doubt it could be waived as far as being a Wisconsin resident. All of that could put into question as to legitimacy of the election.
All the more reason it should had been mail in.
And if Republicans were elected into office because of this it helps support that argument.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,927 posts)As some of yall have indicated, there is the requirement that poll workers be county resident.
So National Guard could only be deployed to the county they live in. So Milw County apparently had disproportionately less National Guard residents.
Net effect was bad bad bad. Net effect was the most African American county in WI was woefully underserved, the blue vote most certainly suppressed.
And this is not to diss dems, but to say.... this was the trial run. What could have been done differently? what is the contingency plan for November 2020 (assuming the same suppression laws still in place) , how do we work around/overcome the voter suppression obstacles that are certain to be in our path ?

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided