Democratic Primaries
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Robert Reich --- Dear Bernie,
I'm sorry you will not be president, but I understand and appreciate your decision to end your quest at this point.
Four years ago, in the 2016 Democratic primaries, you made it respectable to talk about Medicare for All, free public higher education, and raising taxes on the wealthy. You alerted America to the vast and growing gap in income, wealth, and political power, and its dangers for our economy and democracy.
This time, you've not only made it respectable to talk about these and other issues, such as a Green New Deal, but you've persuaded a majority of Americans that these problems must be addressed. You've given voice to the poor, working class, the undocumented, Native American -- all those who have been bullied and abandoned.
You have inspired and galvanized a new generation of young Americans. You have made it possible for America to live up to its ideals. Your courage and determination have made me and countless others proud.
May your voice, your indignation, and your moral clarity ring out for years to come.
via Facebook

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided

(35,357 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)his mostly young supporters to risk their lives to vote in the primary which he admits is over, but still it is over...don't worry. We will beat Trump and I am glad that Sanders has suspended.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,011 posts)Because a lot of them are new voters and probably wouldn't otherwise show up for local elections, which in most of the later states happen concurrently with presidential primaries. And most of the states that are left pushed their primaries to June, when hopefully things will be better and it will be safer to go to the polls, and many of these states have adopted vote by mail for the primaries this year in response to the crisis.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(8,622 posts)these days

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(1,089 posts)I hope folks realize just how many more trillions the federal government is gonna have to shell out to keep this economy afloat. From earlier today...
Why Robert Reich thinks the stimulus doesn't go far enough
Biden's gonna inherit a tsunami of red ink and an economy teetering on the edge that will probably be far worse than what Dubya handed Obama. Hopefully Joe can use the crisis as an opportunity to institute a fairer and more progressive tax code and start chipping away at the 4 decades of Reaganomics insanity that has gotten us into this mess. Clinton and Obama barely managed to make a temporary dent in it which Dubya and Drumpf quickly reversed. We are rapidly reaching levels of debt-to-GDP that are unsustainable...
Click on "MAX" and then "Chart" and "Column" to get a good idea how really bad things are becoming...and that doesn't even include the bailouts resulting from the economic heart attack the virus caused. We had a 91% marginal tax rate after WW2 and we obviously won't go back to that but we need to bump it up from the ridiculously low levels the GOP has taken them to.
Anybody who seriously believes Biden will be able to do very much the first few years with this kind of debt load is probably gonna be in for a rude awakening.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden