Funny story for your Sunday afternoon. [View all]
I live in S.W. Florida and when I woke up this morning the temperature was in the low 40's. When I went to bed last night it was comfortable temperature in my home (side note, I take blood thinners). I woke up this morning I thought I was literally freezing to death.
I am not a coffee or tea drinker so I had nothing to warm my body up so I decided to drive to the local Circle K for a cup of hot coffee (the last time I bought a cup of coffee it was simple, you went in got a cup and poured from the pot that was sitting there). I couldn't find the pot.
So I stood there in dismay trying to understand my surroundings when one of the clerks noticed I was just standing there doing nothing & she came up to me & ask em what was wrong. I thought a second on whether I should tell her in the moment I couldn't figure out to get a cup of coffee. I wanted coffee! So I told her pretty much what I have just written. She didn't laugh at me she just smiled & said I'll show you how these machines work (there were 5 of them). I thanked her fr her help (even tipped her) paid for my coffee & left.
The moral of this story is your never to old to learn something new.
I got home my house was warm & toasty from turning the heat on earlier.
Have a happy Sunday everyone!