It's Finally Happened! GAO Audits Fed for the 1st time Ever (Reposted) [View all]
to appeal.
The Goverment Accountability Office-the Congressional arm of Congress which investigates how governmental money is spent-has for the first time in its nearly one hundred year history performed an audit of the Federal Reserve. The audit was requested by Ron Paul, Jim DeMint and Bernie Sanders primarily, with some others under the Dodd-Frank bill which was passed last year. And what they found while sadly, was not truly unexpected (at least by me) was a livid and scarlet outrage.
It turns out that in a clear act of 'elitist socialism' the American Mega Banks have been bailing out other richsters in foreign countries to the tune of 16 trillion dollars of OUR money-all without any form of oversight, accountability, or even a vote! This kind of unilateral nepotism among the world's power elite is a truly terrifying thing to behold.
According to the article which I found posted here:
The audit was not comprehensive but was a watered down version of what was originally planned. Paul and others plan to seek a more comprehensive audit next year.
The big question then becomes "So now we know what's going on-what are we going to do about it?" Sadly, the answer most likely will be 'nothing' or at most very little. These globalist pseudo-aristocrats have long existed in a shroud of non-culpability and continue to exist in the notion of personal invincibility and immunity from the law. We as taxpayers and responsibile citizens have a right and an obligation to stand up to the government and DEMAND that they take some form of relevent action appropriate to the nature and scale of the crime. After all our nations Founders created a system on the grounds of 'Rule of Consent by the Governed' not 'Consent to Rule by the Rich'. "A Sheepish population will have a wolfish government" after all as the quote goes.
**I reposted this thread in a more suitable category as I somehow managed to stick it in the wrong place and get it locked the first time. Hopefully now people will be able to reply.**