Founders couldn't imagine this authoritarian from within [View all]
By Sid Schwab / Herald Columnist
Around 250 years ago, give or take, a group of mostly young, liberally educated men, imbued with revolutionary fervor and committed never again to live under authoritarian rule, argued and compromised their way to creating a nation based on enshrined, secular law and the unprecedented notion that its citizens would have the ultimate say on how and by whom theyd be governed.
Perhaps, if the Framers had included women and non-whites, itd have been more bulletproof. (As it were.)
Those men were farsighted and preternaturally brilliant, but not enough, tragically, to have envisioned the ease with which, centuries later, through a combination of dishonest media on one side and cowardly ones on the other, plus diminished public education and increasingly militant Christian nationalism, not to mention an ideological Supreme Court removing voting protections and allowing anonymous millions of dollars to buy elections, citizens could become enthralled by a pathological liar, fake Christian, malignant narcissist seeking power for personal aggrandizement and vengeance against those whove seen him as he is and called him on it.
During his popular-vote-losing presidency, Donald Trump appointed 44 cabinet-level people, 40 of whom are now urging us not to vote for him. His highest-ranking general has described him as fascist to the core. His former secretaries of State and Defense, among others, warn of existential danger should he regain the presidency. His consistently debunked election lies are believed by nearly half the country and are the basis for legislatures in Republican states limiting access to voting by people likely to vote against them, under the pretext of preventing fraud, which, except for the occasional Republican (X:, is virtually nonexistent (Brookings: