Today, Leon Panetta said that the 4500 American troops who died in Iraq made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. That is absolute garbage. American soldiers did not die for their country in the Iraq war. They died for their government. Soldiers die for their country when their country is attacked. They die for their government when their country attacks. Politicians call our troops heroes the instant these kids put on a uniform, but it is not the uniform that is heroic, it is the deed. Not a mention of the one hundred thousand plus Iraqis who died because of a lie. That's right, a lie. Not a mistake. They shove heroism and religion down the throats of these youngsters, and if they die, they tell the families that they are now in a better place. That's what McCain said at Pat Tillman's funeral. Tillman's younger brother criticized that comment. Listen, if anyone thinks that people go to a better place when they are killed, I suggest, no, I recommend that we give the 9/11 terrorists the Congressional Medal of Honor, for they sent 3000 Americans to a better place. How does that sound? Insane, right? Not if you really think about it. Logically it makes sense.
What sickens me is that we are responsible for tens of thousands of Iraqi murders, and not one politician has apologized to the Iraqis--not one. We wonder why people around the world dislikes us. We have started every single war from Viet Nam to the present, and every one by a republican administration. Iraq is now over, so the republicans want another war with Iran.
Recently, a couple of my republican friends asked me if I loved America. My response, "I love a vanilla ice cream sundae, but if you fill half the cup with ice cream and the other half with excrement, It would sicken me.'' I explained that I was not comparing republicans to excrement, because republicans are far more toxic. One does not talk to me anymore.