Wingers post the damndest things....(2) [View all]
Hmmm...ran up huge deficits, sold missiles to Iran, cut and ran from Beiruit after the attack on the Marine barracks. Maybe he didn't whine...but he did much that was questionable.
Instead you might want to read...
And that brings us to the historical irony that I alluded to earlier. Many of todays Republicans continue to lionize their hero Reagan for winning the Cold War. But like the apparatchiks depicted in The Americans, Republican leaders seem oblivious to their own partys growing irrelevance.
Its not just that Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Or that changing demographics are reducing the share of the vote coming from the partys core constituency, white middle-aged men. Nor will rebranding and the addition of a few new faces to the leadership mix solve the GOPs problem, any more than Glasnost or Gorbachev could fix the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
...or this
..of course, there is no mention of John Boehner and Eric Cantor's role in the sequester....
What does the phrase "Mission Accomplished" call to mind?
This was posted on "Uncle Sam's Misguided Chidren" and falls under the even-a-broken-clock-is-right-twice-a-day category. I remember seeing this as a poster in college at leftist organizations that engaged in a lot of civil disobedience. Who says we have nothing in common?