Living in Alabama and based on a household size of four and household income of $63,000:
Eligible for Medicaid and/or CHIP
Person #3 (age 6)
Person #4 (age 13)
These people may be eligible for Medicaid and/or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in your state.
This means that you can get free or low-cost care and don't need to buy a health plan for these people.
If you view Marketplace plans here, the plans and prices you'll see won't count people who are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP.
This isn't a final determination. You'll need to submit a Marketplace application to get an actual eligibility statement.
Eligible for help paying for coverage
Person #1 (age 35)
Person #2 (age 35)
These people are probably eligible for a premium tax credit.
This means that you may get a tax credit to use toward the cost of paying for a private health plan that you purchase through the Marketplace.
Note: this isn't a final determination. You'll need to submit a Marketplace application to get an actual eligibility statement.
For the private Silver plan for the two adults the premium comes out to be:
Not sure if her point is valid or propaganda, but I also believe a lot of her issues are the way her red state implements this, assuming of course this isn't bullshit rightwing propaganda, since googling this only refers to right wing sites, along with some references to ted cruz
Also, the numbers I put in contradict what she has said. In addition, If she was pay 350 dollars for a family of 4 before the ACA, not through an employer, that does not make any sense that the premium would be that low, and there are so many missing facts from her statement that I do regard it as suspect