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Romneys financial manipulations have, in the last 48 hours, exploded from mysterious shouldering embers into a political bonfire that could consume his entire campaign.
Romney is calling President Obama a liar and Obama is continuing his call for Romney to release full information about his financial manipulations and more than one year of tax returns.
Articles in the Washington Post and Boston Globe have probed and continue to probe into Romneys convoluted finances and his years as CEO and owner of Bain Capital. Romney has called for retraction of these widely quoted articles without success.
For a Rachel Maddow interview with the Boston Globe writer who probed Romneys SEC reports click here: .
For a broader discussion of Romneys financial manipulations on Morning Joe click here: .
Either Mitt Romney was "sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president" of Bain Capital from 1999-2002, when all sorts of ugly outsourcing and vulture fund activities were taking place, or he was just listed as "sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president" on the company's documents, which means he was simply a figurehead collecting cash generated by said ugly outsourcing and vulture fund activities.
There appears to be more than ample multiple evidence that Romney is not telling the truth about completely leaving Bain after 1999. If you want to read all the details:
1. Click here: ;
2. Click here: ;
3.Click here: ;
4. Click here: .
And these articles on Romney/Bain only scratch the surface. After the Boston Globe article on Thursday the Internet lit up like a Christmas tree as everyone with access seemed to have something to report.
More MoJo coverage of Mitt Romney ( ):
►The Mystery of Romney's Exit From Bain: ;
►Romney Invested in Medical-Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses, Government Documents Show: ;
►Romney Tax Tips: 10 Ways to Stiff the IRS: ;
►Mitt Romney's Long History of Misremembering His Past: m/politics/2012/06/mitt-romney -history-problem;
►Get-Rich-Quick Profiteers Love Mitt Romney, and He Loves Them Back: ;
►How Romney Fibsand Gets Away With It: .
Of course the Obama campaign wasted no time getting out TV ads on the subject. One of the most recent has Romney singing God Bless America while the graphics pound him for his financial manipulations. Click here: . Voters in the swing states are getting their first glimpse behind the mask of Romneys polished campaign performance.
This all brings back Richard Nixons famous statement,I am not a crook.
The problem for Romney is that it is impossible for him to win an election campaign based on whether or not he is a potential criminal who has lied on legally required reports. Every day the media probes deeper into the Romney financial paper trail and reveals more and more conflicts between Romneys personally signed reports and his recorded campaign statements is a day closer to his political defeat. If the present political bonfire doesnt die down soon the GOP may decide at its late August convention to throw Romney under the bus.
Ed Schlick
AP News
Romneys financial manipulations have, in the last 48 hours, exploded from mysterious shouldering embers into a political bonfire that could consume his entire campaign.
Romney is calling President Obama a liar and Obama is continuing his call for Romney to release full information about his financial manipulations and more than one year of tax returns.
Articles in the Washington Post and Boston Globe have probed and continue to probe into Romneys convoluted finances and his years as CEO and owner of Bain Capital. Romney has called for retraction of these widely quoted articles without success.
For a Rachel Maddow interview with the Boston Globe writer who probed Romneys SEC reports click here: .
For a broader discussion of Romneys financial manipulations on Morning Joe click here: .
Either Mitt Romney was "sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president" of Bain Capital from 1999-2002, when all sorts of ugly outsourcing and vulture fund activities were taking place, or he was just listed as "sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president" on the company's documents, which means he was simply a figurehead collecting cash generated by said ugly outsourcing and vulture fund activities.
There appears to be more than ample multiple evidence that Romney is not telling the truth about completely leaving Bain after 1999. If you want to read all the details:
1. Click here: ;
2. Click here: ;
3.Click here: ;
4. Click here: .
And these articles on Romney/Bain only scratch the surface. After the Boston Globe article on Thursday the Internet lit up like a Christmas tree as everyone with access seemed to have something to report.
More MoJo coverage of Mitt Romney ( ):
►The Mystery of Romney's Exit From Bain: ;
►Romney Invested in Medical-Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses, Government Documents Show: ;
►Romney Tax Tips: 10 Ways to Stiff the IRS: ;
►Mitt Romney's Long History of Misremembering His Past: m/politics/2012/06/mitt-romney -history-problem;
►Get-Rich-Quick Profiteers Love Mitt Romney, and He Loves Them Back: ;
►How Romney Fibsand Gets Away With It: .
Of course the Obama campaign wasted no time getting out TV ads on the subject. One of the most recent has Romney singing God Bless America while the graphics pound him for his financial manipulations. Click here: . Voters in the swing states are getting their first glimpse behind the mask of Romneys polished campaign performance.
This all brings back Richard Nixons famous statement,I am not a crook.
The problem for Romney is that it is impossible for him to win an election campaign based on whether or not he is a potential criminal who has lied on legally required reports. Every day the media probes deeper into the Romney financial paper trail and reveals more and more conflicts between Romneys personally signed reports and his recorded campaign statements is a day closer to his political defeat. If the present political bonfire doesnt die down soon the GOP may decide at its late August convention to throw Romney under the bus.
Ed Schlick
WOLFEBORO, N.H.(AP) President Barack Obama is keeping up a drumbeat of skepticism over Mitt Romney's insistence displayed in a blitz of TV interviews that he stepped down from his private equity firm years earlier than federal records indicate.
Obama planned another day of campaigning in Virginia on Saturday, a state he won in 2008 but before that last supported a Democratic presidential nominee in 1964. Advisers said he would remind voters of the discrepancies between Securities and Exchange Commission filings and Romney's recollection of his role at the Boston-based firm.
His re-election campaign released an ad that repeated its allegation that Romney's Bain Capital shipped American jobs to China and Mexico; that Romney has personal wealth in investments in Switzerland, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands; and that as governor of Massachusetts, he outsourced state jobs to India.
"Mitt Romney's not the solution. He's the problem," Obama's latest ad says as it plays video of Romney awkwardly singing "America the Beautiful."
The ad was set to run in the battleground states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
The ad, targeting Romney's vast personal wealth, comes as Democrats and some Republicans call for Romney to release tax returns going back several years. Romney has said anew that he won't go beyond releasing his 2010 tax records and, before the election, his 2011 taxes.
"You can never satisfy the opposition research team of the Obama organization," Romney told CBS on Friday. In the same round of interviews in which he defended his account of his role at Bain, Romney said Obama owed him an apology for an aide's suggestion that the Security and Exchange Commission filings, if false, could bring a felony charge.
"This is simply beneath the dignity of the presidency of the United States," Romney told ABC.
It wasn't just Obama, though, pushing the presumptive Republican nominee to put the issue of his tax returns and wealth to rest.
"There is no whining in politics," chided John Weaver, a veteran Republican strategist. "Stop demanding an apology, release your tax returns."
For full AP article click here:
Ed Schlick
Executive Director
Maine Peoples Voting Coalition