Bad news on the body front: I got a reply from Warmoth, that the shape I wanted is no longer available and that for the moment they don't know what they're going to do. It probably won't be until spring that they'll know where they're going with this situation.
I am a bit worried; If I just wanted a simple Les Paul shaped body, there are plenty of alternatives where I could buy. But since the shape I want is less common and the fact that a semi-hollow body is probably harder to manufacture and has less demand, I have yet to find something even remotely similar. Waiting until spring per se is not a problem, since I have to save up the money for the guitar first anyway, but I just hope that come spring they'll come out with a shape that I like.
Black inlays on a dark neck, you say? That's a pretty interesting idea, and I don't think I've ever seen it done before.
I'll have to start to pay attention to whether I look at the neck inlays or the side dots when I play, to see if I have to change behavior if I have a guitar with a neck without inlays.