The Good Wife :: Zuckerberg v Sorkin [View all]
There was an episode of The Good Wife where they went to extremes to portray Aaron Sorkin as being unfair to Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network...
The Good Wife Sticks It to Aaron Sorkin and The Social Network
Last night on The Good Wife, the relentlessly Zeitgeist-y lawyers of Lockhart Gardner took on a client who may sound familiar: a twentysomething computer programmer turned billionaire looking to sue the makers of a film based on his life and more specific, the founding of his now wildly popular website for defamation. Yes, its The Social Network, and while Good Wife made a few small attempts to acknowledge its movie inspiration (Hes another Zuckerberg, notes Christine Baranski early on), the episode still unapologetically borrowed the movies entire backstory, right down to the fictional ex-girlfriend who inspired the websites creation.
Case in point: the screenwriter very obviously based on Aaron Sorkin, whose scene is available here, at the 16:20 mark. Vulture cant speak to the real-life Sorkins sartorial preferences (beyond his love of being tan), but wed guess that he actually does enjoy turtlenecks, because everything else here is spot-on. Obnoxious and arrogant fast-talk! Former drug problems! Feuds with blog commenters! And major points to Good Wife writers Robert and Michelle King for re-creating the Social Network deposition scene while denying Fake Sorkin any zingers on the level of Have I adequately answered your condescending question? If only theyd thrown in some pedeconferencing. Anyway, now were really looking forward to Sorkins 30 Rock appearance, because itll be a similar roast, but to his face. Game on.
Last nights Good Wife, on the other hand, presented the Mark Zuckerberg/Aaron Sorkin/Social Network story more or less as it happened in the headlines from which it was ripped. The only tweak was the lawsuit itself, but the firms client was clearly Zuckerberg, the douchebag screenwriter was clearly Sorkin, etc. The show tried to get around that by having a character compare their client to Zuckerberg, which was just silly; a universe in which this guy and Zuckerberg co-exist makes as much sense as a universe in which the fictional Studio 60 and Saturday Night Live co-exist. Its there as an attempt to place some distance between you and what youre imitating, but its a distance nobody buys.
So because there was no real change, the whole thing played out like the show both trying to glom onto the success of The Social Network and just bashing Sorkin for an hour. Ive bashed Sorkin a time or 20 in the past (go read my old Studio 60 reviews), but it got to the point where I was wondering exactly who on the show hated Sorkin this much. (Other than Josh Charles, has anyone in the cast or crew worked on a Sorkin show or movie?) So unless you just enjoy Sorkin being called out for his less endearing qualities, I found the whole A-story an example of how not to do this particular trick...
Wonder how they're feeling about coming to the defense of Zuckerberg now?
Aaron Sorkin: An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg