the same accountability as public schools and we got blasted about being "down on religious schools" and being "against people of faith". They did some of the same things with Day Care. Back in the '90's the right wing/religious cabal in Wisconsin pushed for state funds for Day Care Centers to be opened up. The money was supposed to go to churches etc. for them to use their buildings to provide a good thing for the community. Supposed to be no preaching/indoctrination etc. It turned into a nightmare because it turned out that some crooked people were going and getting their "minister's" credentials through those on-line scams where you send a few bucks and they send you a piece of paper looking like your high school diploma. Some were even serial numbered like they were some kind of registry.
Turned out that they would rent a shambolic place and hang a cross on the door and call it a church. So now they had their "papers" and an address. They would get approved and they were supposed to hire licensed day care workers. But they found that some of these places were firetraps with just some dirty cribs and blankets on the floor all being tended by people just hired off the street with no training/licensing. When they tried to pull funding the screams started about "picking on the churches".
Also some of the ones that were better run as far as cleanliness and staff had all kinds of indoctrination hanging on the walls. I have zero problem with people of faith as long as they make it theirs and not try to make it mine.