saw one nasty person with an anti sign at Clements yesterday, was going to take her picture after I got out of the pool but she was gone. should have taken it on the way in but I got waylaid by a petition gatherer.
from a related article -
Why are some Democrats opposed to the move?
A long-standing stereotype of sanctuary city measures is that Democrats only, and always, support the designation. But that's not always the case.
Tucson's mayor and city council members, all of whom are Democrats, oppose Prop 205 because they fear losing state and federal funding. They and others in Arizona say Tucson is already a welcoming place for immigrants, and writing it into law would only jeopardize the city.
A 2010 immigration law in the state, known as SB1070, prohibits sanctuary cities in Arizona and requires police to verify the immigration status of anyone suspected of being in the country illegally when enforcing other laws. A lot of the law wasn't upheld by the courts, but the requirement asking officers to check immigration papers is still in effect.
Approving Proposition 205 could put the state in jeopardy with regards to funding because of this law, according to some city officials.