This is for the Maricopa County Special Health Care District
This November, voters will have a chance to vote on a Proposition to authorize the continuation of a secondary property tax levy for the benefit of the Maricopa County Special Health Care District which includes the public teaching hospital, the Arizona Burn Center, three behavioral health hospitals and 12 family health centers -- for twenty years. The tax will expire in August 2025 without voter approval prior to that date.
A YES vote will have the effect of continuation of the levy of a secondary property tax for the benefit of the Maricopa County Special Health Care District which includes the public teaching hospital, the Arizona Burn Center, three behavioral health hospitals and 12 family health centers -- for a period not to exceed twenty years, which tax is estimated at $38 per year on a home assessed at $200,000.
A NO vote will have the effect of not approving the continuation of the levy of a secondary property tax for the benefit of the Maricopa County Special Health Care District, which tax will expire without voter approval before August 2025.