Man arrested with gun at Arkansas State made 911 call; police notified about him day before [View all]
By Max Brantley
The Associated Press adds details from a Jonesboro police report on the man who drove onto the Arkansas State University campus yesterday and prompted a campus lockdown after saying he might fire a shotgun into a propane tank in his pickup.
The report said that Brad Kenneth Bartelt, 47, a former ASU student, called 911 himself after driving on campus and said he had a gun a 12-gauge shotgun.
After he was taken into custody, he recounted to officers his unhappiness
over something reported yesterday that he'd been seriously injured in an accident while in commercial driver training at ASU-Newport. He didn't feel he'd been properly compensated for his injuries. Said the police report:
"He stated that he was going to come to the university and shoot other people but he realized that murder would be wrong, so he was going kill himself."