D.C. Removes Phony Anti-Trump 'Trash' Ad Posted in Washington: 'Not Created, Funded, or Authorized' [View all]
Hat tip, Joe.My.God.
D.C. Removes Phony Anti-Trump Trash Ad Posted in Washington: Not Created, Funded, or Authorized
Charlie Nash | Dec 30th, 2024, 9:09 pm
X/@calebmorell & @DDOTDC
The Washington, D.C. District Department of Transportation denounced and took down an anti-Trump transit ad this week after the poster claimed to have been paid for by the mayors office.
Images of the ad which featured the slogan Keep DC Trash Free above a cartoon of a man in a Make America Great Again hat went viral on social media after being spotted at a bikeshare dock on 3rd St & Pennsylvania Ave SE in D.C.
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser came under fire from conservatives after they noticed a logo for the mayors office displayed on the bottom of the poster, insinuating that the ad had been paid for by the city, however the Department of Transportation blamed the stunt of a rogue vandal, Monday.
The thread at JMG got this reply:
an hour ago
There's been similar ones for NYC in circulation for some time ...