These are brave people to step up against the evil & treasonous MGT. I hope the eventual candidate will be supported with plenty of funding for security and legal representation as well as for campaigning.
It is so important to run candidates in every district in every election. There are so many non-voters that we Democrats could reach as well as Democrats who are currently on the voter rolls in the district.
I believe that changing demographics and time are on our side. Every year, more and more young people turn 18 and can vote. They can register to vote while theyre still 17, prior to the election, as long as they turn 18 by Election Day.
Increased turnout in every local, State Representative, State Senatorial, and Congressional election has an effect on both statewide and federal Presidential and Senatorial races. Thats how we elected Joe Biden, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock! (Of course we had to vote for Warnock 5 or 6 times to finally get him elected to a regular 6 year term!)
We need every vote.
As James Carville famously said about candidates who run several times before finally winning an election:
Youre a loser, until youre not.
🗳️ 🍑 🇺🇸