I'm 50. Pat Quinn was the only Governor I have lived under that I ever liked. Here is the list:
Tony Earl, WI - stabbed his friends in the back while trying to appease his enemies.
Tommy Thompson, WI - not as evil as Scott Walker
Jim Blanchard, MI - see Tony Earl
John Engler, MI
George Ryan, IL (Inmate Number 16627-424)
Rod Blagojevich (Inmate Number 40892-424)
Next to Quinn, I would take Tommy Thompson and I never even voted for him.
Now everything will soon be defunded. Unions will be destroyed easily (see Wisconsin). Good bye public colleges & universities (hello less than minimum wage short term adjunct professors). Good bye public everything. Good bye Grandma if she's not rich. The whole great lakes region is now red. The home of Obama is red.
Right-wing billionaires uber alles. I don't blame the Democrats. I blame the people. They love their corrupt governors who tell them they can have free state government while paying the lowest taxes in the region.
I have donated. I have canvased. I have tried to educate. We have failed. Scott Walker also won big. I use to love this part of the country but not anymore. Life will be now be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and hopefully short. We were all just debt slaves anyway, but now there is no longer any reasonable hope. The right-wing billionaires have won.
Sorry for being "defeatist". I will not collaborate, but I have seriously lost hope.