Nearly 25% of those hospitalized with COVID-19 In Iowa are fully vaccinated [View all]
The latest COVID-19 data released by the Iowa Department of Public Health on Monday shows a downward trend in hospitalizations.
However, Dr. Leyla Best, an infectious disease specialist at Unity Point says Des Moines is actually seeing an increase in hospitalizations.
Des Moines hospitals are treating 84 COVID-19 patients this week compared to about 70 patients the past couple of weeks.
IDPH data also shows that 75.3% of patients in Iowa hospitals are unvaccinated.
IDPH says 24.7% of patients in Iowa hospitals are fully vaccinated.
Best said fully vaccinated patients in the hospital are normally 65 and older and immunocompromised.
"Vaccines work, but like any other vaccine they are not 100% effective," Best said.
The latest state data also shows 30 outbreaks at Long Term Care facilities.
In mid-March, that number was zero.