Someone complaining that people thought drinking was more important than Jebbie [View all]
Locally someone was complaining because Jebby wasn't treated as the second coming;
The night of Jan. 31, a crowd gathered at the American Legion Post 6 to hear presidential candidate Jeb Bush speak.
Much of the crowd, myself included, were repulsed by the sheer amount of disrespect towards the American Legion, our nation's esteemed veterans and the U.S. political process.
Two Medal of Honor recipients spoke of their service and importance of the upcoming election. These honorable men were disrespected by a selfish and drunken crowd who considered their alcohol more important than our treasured veterans.
I feel sympathy for Gov. Bush, who was being incomprehensibly hollered at by individuals with no respect for the political process of this country. One individual even declaring that he came to the Legion to drink and that the presidential election was inconveniencing him.
As a commenter said it was Jebby's choice to have the event in a bar at 7:00pm on Saturday night after they had been offered the lower level to have their little rally.