More hogwash in this morning's TH [View all]
One of our local righties had something to say.
Nothing could be further from the truth than to assert that Islam is a religion of peace, and that Christians and Muslims pray to the same God.
Islam rejects the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. American military chaplains serving in Saudi Arabia are ordered to cover their offensive lapel crosses with tape; Bible ownership and evangelism are punishable offenses.
To further dispel the notion that radical jihadis are perverting or misinterpreting the Koran to justify their deeds, Andrew McCarthy, lead prosecutor who convicted Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman in connection with the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, stated, ...I did think that if what we were saying as a government was true that (Rahman) was perverting Islam then there must be ways where I could nail him by saying, You told your followers X, but the doctrine clearly says Y. So my colleagues and I pored over the Blind Sheiks many writings. And what we found was alarming: Whenever he quoted the Koran or other sources of Islamic scripture, he quoted them accurately.
McCarthy gives several examples: When (Rahman) said the scriptures command that Muslims strike terror into the hearts of Islams enemies, the scriptures back him up.
This is too much horseshit to let pass without out a rebuttal, which I sent in this morning...