In an unprecedented and appalling move, tonight the Iowa Senate voted to restrict women’s access to safe and legal abortion. With this vote, Iowa has gone from a state that supports women and families, to one that is turning back the clock 50 years. The goals of these lawmakers are to shame women, and place undue and unconstitutional burdens on their attempts to access safe and legal abortion.
We call on the Branstad/Reynolds administration to immediately veto this terrible anti-woman legislation.
In addition to the cruel, medically ignorant ban on abortion after 20 weeks, Iowa would have one of the longest waiting periods (72 hours) in the country – forcing women to make multiple trips to their health care provider to obtain an abortion. The bill also makes zero exceptions for rape, incest, or fetal anomalies.
Rest assured, this fight is far from over. We will turn over every rock and explore every option when it comes to protecting abortion access for our patients and for all women across our affiliate.
We will keep you informed as this fight continues.
Suzanna de Baca
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland
Planned Parenthood Voters of Iowa