grassley can go straight to hell [View all]
The tax scam is bad enough without a jackass like Grassley opening his big mouth and showing his true colors (again).
That asshole, in an interview with the DM Register said, "I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing as opposed to those that are spending every darn penny they have, whether it's on booze or women or movies."
First of all, it'd be nice to be able to make enough money to invest more than I do. Secondly, I have a child, as do MANY other Americans and we are trying to save up enough to maybe help them out financially when they go to college. And..we sure are trying to keep up with medical bills. Not to mention mundane shit like food and shelter. So when I do have an extra buck or two, after working around 50 hours a week and my wife working full time as well, yeah I may stop at a local bar and have a beer or two. And yeah, we like to see movies sometimes too.
That blankety blankin' Grassley really showed what he thinks of the working class Iowans as well as working class Americans. Fuck you Grassley. The Blue wave is coming in 2018. Hope you all are ready for it.