looks like Repubs want to pass a bill to allow discrimination by religious in Iowa [View all]
From One Iowa Action:
A bill has been introduced in our state legislature that would weaken the Iowa Civil Rights Act and make LGBTQ Iowans vulnerable. SF 2154 would broadly allow religious exemptions to Iowa laws, including the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
Click here to contact your state senator and ask them to reject SF 2154.
The language of this bill is vague, which makes it extremely dangerous. For example, a pharmacist could refuse to fill a transgender person's prescription for hormones, claiming his religion doesn't allow him to serve transgender people. A pediatrician could refuse to provide medical care for the child of a same-sex couple because she doesn't believe in same-sex marriage.
The consequences of this bill extend outside the LGBTQ community as well. A man abusing his spouse and children could claim domestic violent laws don't apply to him because of his religion.
These are only a few examples of the harm this bill could inflict if it becomes law. Religious freedom is one of our nation's fundamental values and is already protected by the first amendment. The rule of law is also important, and we cannot allow people to pick and choose which laws they're going to follow.
Contact your state senator now and ask them to reject SF 2154.
Our state has a proud legacy of equality that has protected LGBTQ Iowans for years. We were the third state to embrace marriage equality, defying many people's expectations. We also have anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ Iowans through the Iowa Civil Rights Act. Iowa is one of less than half of all states that have these crucial protections on the books.
We are incredibly proud of the Iowa Civil Rights Act, and we must fight to defend it now.
Ask your state senator to reject SF 2154 now.
Thank your for fighting for LGBTQ Iowans.
Daniel Hoffman-Zinnel
One Iowa Action Executive Director