(laughing my ass off)
2. Trump forgets Rod Blums name. Twice during the event Trump accidentally referred to Iowas 1st District congressman as Matt Blum. He did clearly know it was Rod, however, correctly saying the congressmans name many other times during the event. It was still an awkward moment that no one corrected him on.
3. Blum thanks Trump for trade war. The most vulnerable Republican incumbent in the nation may have made matters worse for himself by standing up for Trumps trade wars. Thank you for having political courage to renegotiate these trade deals, Blum told Trump. Youve taken some heat for it in the short-term, but in the long-run, the farmers, the manufacturers, the employers are all going to better off.
6. Trump tries out nickname for Finkenauer. As we noted in a recent podcast, Republican Chair Jeff Kaufmann has tried to get Trump-like nicknames to stick with various Democrats running in Iowa, but the pithy insults never seem to have the same effect when its coming from anyone other than Trump. The president seemed to take a shine to the Absent Abby nickname Kaufmann has attached to Abby Finkenauer, a misleading title suggesting shes missed a lot of votes in the Statehouse. Finkenauer took it in stride, however:
Kaufmann is a real pig IMHO