Governor Reynolds
As a voter for 30 years, I always review the positions, platforms, and performance of the candidates for every office before I vote. I comb through interviews with groups like the League of Women Voters, newspapers, and read through the transcripts of the debates so that I can best select the candidate that I believe can meet the needs of my current community in the present and moving forward.
However, before I get to that stage, I have a very simple bar that every politician must cross before I can even consider him or her for public office. The candidate must denounce Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, White Nationalists, the KKK and other hate groups.
To even have a chance of earning my vote, you would have to clearly and unequivocally state that those groups are abhorrent to everything you believe in and that anyone who aligns themselves with those groups is completely unfit for public office.
To date, one of the chief architects of your campaign is Representative King who has not only accepted junkets from these groups but endorsed them. Unless you publically denounce the hateful speech of the White Nationalists and other groups and remove Mr. King from your campaign, I cannot ever even consider voting for you.
This seems like a pretty low bar to jump to me denounce Neo-Nazis and related groups. Sadly, I doubt that you will.
If you do so before I vote on Tuesday then I will look at your record as an advocate on the Iowa STEM council as Lt Governor and other positions. If not, you will have disqualified yourself from ever being a viable candidate for office as someone who aligns herself with racists and white supremacists.