Matt Whitaker, Iowa wingnut [View all]
Here comes a constitutional crisis: The new acting atty general is a nutjob from Iowa. Worked for Sam Clovis in 2014 on Clovis' campaign for state auditor in Iowa.
Clovis, a RW talk radio blow hard and professor in NW Iowa, was also an early, key figure in the vulgar talking yam's campaign. Colluding with our enemies. Boss of Papadopolous, recruited Carter Page.
Clovis went before Muller in his investigation. Because Clovis sent Georgie boy out to make back channel connections with Putin.
Sam Clovis, an Iowa political operative and Donald Trump's presidential campaign co-chairman, encouraged a low-level campaign representative to pursue a meeting with Russian officials.
"Make the trip, if it is feasible," Clovis wrote in an email to George Papadopoulos, according to court papers unsealed Monday.
Those court records do not name Clovis, but his attorney confirmed Clovis' identity to NBC News Tuesday.
Papadopoulos at the time was serving as a foreign policy adviser to the campaign and had repeatedly offered to broker meetings between Russian officials and members of the campaign.
So Matt whitaker is now overseeing an investigation that involves his former boss Clovis. BTW: Clovis almost ate the dept. of agriculture.
Matt what's his name, the new acting atty general, worked in the wingnut welfare circuit in his leading role for F.A.C.T., a fascist "judicial" organization. Dark funding, probably from Chas. Koch.
Also, FACT was founded by kook power couple the Corkerys (Neil and Ann) THese are all connected wingnuts: Lenny Leo (federalist society) JCN, the push onto the court of Kavanaugh, FACT was out in the front of keeping Garland from being confirmed. WELLSPRING, was funded, ? founded ? by Neil's old lady Ann.
Matt what's his name is from Iowa, played football at U of IA. Chuck Grassley (judiciary) is from Iowa, Steve King represents Sioux City, where Clovis is from.
what a mess. The GOP is a den of crooks.