Courier Journal endorses Adam Edelen in Democrats' race for Kentucky governor. Here's why [View all]
Democrats face a critical decision Tuesday as they head to the polls to choose a gubernatorial candidate who will run against a Republican most likely Matt Bevin, the incumbent.
Its a pivotal moment for the Democratic Party, looking to elect someone who can navigate the challenges of a Republican-controlled legislature and chart an ambitious course for our commonwealth, which remains on the lower rungs of so many economic, educational and personal health ladders.
Tuesdays primary is also the first step in Democrats efforts to regain the top office in Frankfort, which has been besieged by four years of turbulence and conflict, combativeness and secrecy involving Bevin, his administration and even members of his own party.
The Courier Journals newly resurrected and reconfigured editorial board has spent the past few weeks meeting with the four Democrats on Tuesdays primary ballot. We have interviewed them, reviewed their platforms, monitored their performance in debates and have worked to find deeper insights.
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