Here's how to help Louisiana flood victims [View all]
Here's how to help Louisiana flood victims
Chelsea Brasted, | The Times-Picayune By Chelsea Brasted, | The Times-Picayune
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on August 15, 2016 at 9:56 AM, updated August 18, 2016 at 5:31 PM
As New Orleans and North Shore residents look for ways to help those affected by the historic flooding in Baton Rouge and across Acadiana, Louisiana State Police are still asking for roadways to remain clear. So, as we wait for the water to continue receding from local roads and highways, here's a list of places online and around New Orleans and Baton Rouge where you can make donations.
From there, the organizations can arrange safe transport for donated items.
Looking for ways to help pets? You can find those specific needs by clicking here.
Out-of-state and looking to mail items? Get that info here.
Volunteer Louisiana is another source for those looking for state-wide opportunities to volunteer or donate funds. The state-run website includes links and information on a variety of organizations.
If you know of an organization that's collecting goods, please leave details in a comment below or email where, when and what they're collecting to
((list of online donation sites, including Red Cross, and extensive list of LA sites to drop off goods))