Do you want to have a little fun? [View all]
If your bored and waiting in a public area, try this. There are a few rules to follow. First, be sure no one will know you and you have divulged no information about yourself. Second be sure you are in a group of diehard Trump supporters. They should also be of the working-class, preferably retired. I was in a medical facility waiting area with six red cap people, plus others, discussing the virtues of Trump. I kind of joined the group and after a few minutes said Trump must be reelected. Everyone agreed. If he isnt and Social Security and Medicare, as well as other programs, arent eliminated, the country will go bankrupt. Everyone jumped on me and said Trump will never do that. I countered with the fact that he said he probably will, and he must bring down the deficit and give more tax cuts. The murmur of protests started, and I said what do you people want him to do? Bankrupt the country? I then wandered away. I noticed the conversation stopped and I think some of them did not sleep as well that night.