through KS on their way to points outside of KS.
I'm so happy that these recreational drugs are now legal to buy and use (at home), and thank goodness for realism in the real world kicking in finally and knocking some sense into some of these antidrug crowd. I even have friends that grow it in IL, legally of course, and it's a totally different game now, I even have friends that use it not for the 'kick' it provides, but for their eyes, and some even do it for the stress (to relieve).
And in MO, our sales taxes (in STLMO) is approaching 10% alone, if not more than 10%. Good grief. As a retiree, I don't want taxes to keep increasing, especially on these regressive taxes, the 10% sales tax is a whopper of an extra burden on families and the elderly (me), let alone the state and fed income taxes too. So, let our law enforcement work on other serious issues, and let the tax revenues roll in, and don't go after these 'white collar' crimes on a common drug that so many partake. We must have like 10 cannabis places (shops) within maybe 3-5 miles of us, nice.
Maybe they'll get the drift in KS, write the bills in KS to allow POT sales to benefit their farmers too, it could be an additional source of income for these farmers should the markets go down on Sunflowers, wheat, other crops that they raise in KS. But, to be honest w/ you, it's going to be too late for KS to really make an impact on POT sales, other than those in KS itself. Other states are enjoying the benefits now surrounding KS.