If you or I went in the world stage, encouraged “combat” to a group of psychos who then tried to overthrow our government, do you think we’d even be posting here?
I’m really tired of people quoting the constitution who have never read it. They hear from another wing nut that their rights are being violated under the first, the second amendment, etc. So, that becomes their justification for breaking the law. Others choose to put their one spin on the constitution, like not wearing a mask is somehow a violation of their rights.
It’s the same method that the evangelical pseudo Christians use to interpret the Bible. Whatever justifies their behavior makes doing what they want okay.
We are coming up on a week since the insurrection, and how many of the Franklin Graham types have said a single word of condemnation against Trump?
We are coming up on a week where an angry mob wanted to hang the Vice President of the United States. Yet, the likes of Cruz, Hawley, Brooks and Giuliani are somewhere laughing their asses off and planning their next move.
In Trumpanzy-speak, justice is only justice when it turns a blind eye and lets them do whatever they want.